Home » The survey: in the Lega and List Fedriga regions they reach 42%, the Democratic Party reaches 21%

The survey: in the Lega and List Fedriga regions they reach 42%, the Democratic Party reaches 21%

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UDINE. The Lega remains largely the party with the greatest consensus in Friuli Venezia Giulia. But the hypothesis of a Fedriga list alone already affects 10% of the electorate, with the prospect of taking off around 28-32% if the project is implemented. This is one of the results of a survey commissioned from Ipsos by the majority party in the region, which brings back the attention of the debate on politics after months of health and economic emergency.

Confirmations are sought in the League’s headquarters on the good work of the junta. Confirmations that arrive primarily on the person of the president. The Ipsos interviews – 700 adults in the region, 48% men, 52% women, 16% graduates, 53% high school graduates, 52% employed – see Fedriga promoted by 77% of the sample, the sum of 51% who assign a vote “Excellent” (between 8 and 10) and 26% who stop at “sufficient” (6-7). The failures are for 10% with an “insufficient” and 13% with a “bad”. The opinion of the interviewees still on Fedriga – also from a 23% of voters who voted M5S at the 2018 regional ones and from a 25% who chose Fdi at the 2019 European ones – is flattering on determination, reliability, dynamism, listening skills and governance, proximity to citizens’ problems. Good results, albeit with lower percentages, also on “strength” and “sympathy”.

The attention of the center-right, however, will turn above all to voting intentions. The League continues to travel on the run, far away from its pursuers. It is at 32.3%, not too much below 34.9% of the 2018 Regionals and about ten points less than the extraordinary 42.6% of the 2019 Europeans. The center-right coalition, clearly majority, is at 57.1% ( 62.7% to the regional ones three years ago), adding the votes of Fratelli d’Italia (9%), Forza Italia (5.1%), list of the president (10%) and other lists of the center-right (0, 7%). In comparison with 2018, Fdi is up from 5.5%, but has a very low consensus compared to voting intentions at the national level that give Giorgia Meloni’s party between 18% and 19%, three points in less than the League. For Fi, on the other hand, we are at a significant drop from 12.1% of the Regionals.

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The strong theme, politically, is naturally that of the president’s list. Even without existing, it would be worth 10%, but the “expansion tank”, that is to say the potential for growth, is even triple. All this without going to “fish” in the League, but probably collecting personal votes from Fedriga, but also from the undecided and from those who, from other camps, would choose the outgoing.

And Project Fvg? It does not appear in the survey, but it will obviously have a role, given that in 2018 it rose to 6.3%. With Fdi in good health, but without striking percentages, the response from Ipsos would seem to push further towards a centrist grouping that unites civics with Berlusconians, the embryo of a list of the president – led, who knows, by Riccardo Riccardi or Sergio Bini – which could towing exactly as it happened in Veneto for Luca Zaia.

With an abstention between 44% and 47%, the second force in the field after the League is the Democratic Party. Dems are estimated at 21.6%, above 18.1% in 2018, but still far to be competitive for the presidency, even adding 5.9% of the left, 2.1% of Action, 2 % of the Greens, 1.2% of Italia Viva, 1.1% of Più Europa and 2.6% civic. Third pole, as well as in the last two regional rounds, the grillini, at 5.2%, a figure lower than 7.1% in 2018.

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