Home » UN, US proposes sanctions against North Korea for launching ballistic missiles

UN, US proposes sanctions against North Korea for launching ballistic missiles

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The United States has proposed to the UN Security Council to adopt new international sanctions against North Korea after its ballistic missile launches: two in the last week alone, 6 from September 2021. All strictly in violation of the resolutions of the same Security Council. This was announced by the American ambassador to the Glass Palace, Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

Washington has already autonomously decided to sanction eight people and entities linked to North Korea on charges of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. These choices demonstrate – reads a statement from the State Department – “our serious concern for the continuing proliferation activities of North Korea and for those who support it. The United States will use all appropriate tools to address the weapons programs of mass destruction and ballistic missiles, which constitute a serious threat to international peace and security and undermine the global non-proliferation regime “.

And the role of Moscow and Beijing emerges in the background. Affected by the US sanctions are Choe Myong Hyon, who lives in Russia and is linked to an institution in Pyongyang already on the American blacklist. Four other recipients of the measures are in China. The State Department then sanctioned the North Korean O Yong Ho, the Russian Roman Anatolievitch Alar and the Russian entity Parsek.

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