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14 symptoms to watch out for

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For a timely diagnosis we must not underestimate some messages that our body sends us as alarm bells.

Colorectal cancer
(Instagram @airc.it)

The cancer unfortunately it continues to be a very present disease. Despite the science has made great strides to eradicate it.

Our body launch gods alarm bells which should not be underestimated and which help us understand that maybe something is wrong. It is important to consult a doctor that can shed light.

L’AIRC (Foundation for Cancer Research) has drafted at least 14 symptoms to pay close attention to.

  1. The fever: A symptom that highlights a infection in our body but that is not normal if it persists for a lot of time and so inexplicable. In that case the system immune he is battling cancer but to no avail.

2. In this: It is normal for our body to have some, but thealarm shoot when there are any new e many, create itch The bleeding, they change by shape, color e dimension. In this case, you must immediately alert your own doctor for an accurate analysis.

3. The itch: When it becomes unusual The excessive without reason is a symptom not to be underestimated. THE White blood cells they have the role of fighting against the enemy cancer. During this “battle” increases the Blood flow in our body causing skin rashes and next itch.

4. Unusual cough: When cancer attacks the naked, i lungs, it stomach ol’esophagus the body reacts by constantly coughing.

5. Sweating at night: When it manifests itself in an exaggerated way it can be the alarm of lymphoni (tumors of the lymphatic system). It is normal that during the period of the menopause for women to occur abundant night sweats, but if abnormally and too frequently it should not be underestimated.

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6. Nodules: It is essential to learn how to examine our body touching it e car palpandosi often to ensure that we can notice any nodules, which are bells for the presence of the cancer. Focus on some specific areas to be felt like the skin, the naked, the otherwise, i testicles, l’abdomen.

7. An unusual urination: The bladder and its functions must be kept under control if episodes such as the presence of blood in urine or excessive foam. Me too’odor, the color and the quantity urine should be closely monitored.

8. The changing voice: The larynx may be a target for cancer. If you notice a change in the voice which has nothing to do with a common sore throat, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

9. Difficulty swallowing or poor appetite: When our body is lazy iningest any food for lack of appetite or for difficulty in swallowing, these are signs that should not be underestimated.

10. Wounds that fail to heal: When the immune system fights against the cancer uses all its Strength, given that the eradicate it is its main focus. If one wound has trouble healing for a long time, it can also be a symptom of a cancer in place.

11. The mouth and tongue with bumps: I’m colored White and are often found within the oral cavity, naked The gums. Don’t underestimate them.

12. The intestine and its changes: Cancer al colon, too often diagnosed, it can manifest itself with signals concerning the disastrous, as the change of the color (lighter or darker), the presence of bleeding The mucus. Feeling of pain during the’act of elimination. Even the constant diarrhea it should not be underestimated.

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13. Loss of blood: If it comes out abnormally from the nipple, dall’utero Oh yes body excretions a consultation must be made to rule out the presence of tumors.

14. Yellowish skin: It is the so-called Jaundice. The skin begins to have a color yellow and it is often a bell that indicates the presence of tumor al liver or in any case important diseases that attack this so fundamental organ. There bile is obstructed by the presence of cancer. The blood is filled with bilirubin which causes that yellowish color of the skin.

Our body it’s a wonderful machine, we have to get it treatment and therefore never underestimate the countless messages that sends us. To prevent when we are still in weather it’s always better than that cure too much will be too much late.

Source: https://www.greenme.it/vivere/salute-e-benessere/cancro-sintomi-airc/

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