Home » Quirinale, at 16 center-right summit: Berlusconi’s decision on candidacy awaited

Quirinale, at 16 center-right summit: Berlusconi’s decision on candidacy awaited

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It will not be a real face to face, as it will be mediated by a camera, but the feeling already in these hours before it is that it can provide an important piece to overcome the stalemate and define the strategy of the center-right in the match for the match. election of the Head of State, 48 hours from the starting whistle, Monday 24 January, with the first vote by the parliament in joint session, integrated by the regional delegates.

At 4 pm the summit of the center-right, Berlusconi on video

The expected center-right summit will be held at 4 pm in view of that deadline. Forza Italia leader Berlusconi will participate remotely from his offices in Arcore. It will be an opportunity for the former prime minister to dissolve the reservation on his candidacy for the Colle. He will communicate if he intends to step back, or confirm that he will play the game for the center-right. The picture is not yet clear. Some sources favor the first hypothesis, but the other solution is not excluded. Neither Matteo Salvini nor Giorgia Meloni know what Berlusconi’s decision will be.

Towards a new meeting between Letta, Conte and Speranza

If the center-right awaits a clarification from the Forza Italia leader, even in the center-left the strategy is still fully defined. A new meeting of the Pd Secretary Enrico Letta, the President of the M5s Giuseppe Conte and the Secretary of Article 1 Roberto Speranza should take place on Sunday 23 January. The meeting has not yet been fixed but the idea is to meet in view of the first votes for the election of the President of the Republic.

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The assumptions on the table

It will be a weekend of meetings and negotiations between the parties. On the table, so far, three hypotheses: Mario Draghi, whose destinies are intertwined with those of the government, a Mattarella bis and the name of Pier Ferdinando Casini. Salvini encourages the allies and also sees Bossi, Renzi brings together the great voters of Italia Viva, inclined to vote for the first white ballot.

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