Home » Green pass, tampons and sanitized cabins: the vote for the Quirinale in time of Covid

Green pass, tampons and sanitized cabins: the vote for the Quirinale in time of Covid

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Double scan at the Montecitorio entrance, the first to measure body temperature, the second to verify the validity of the Green pass. To access the building and go to the classroom to vote, the “basic” version of the certificate is enough, so a negative swab is enough. While to have a coffee at the buvette or eat in the internal restaurant, a reinforced pass will be required, therefore places reserved for vaccinated or recovered from Covid. Speaking of the votes (the first tomorrow starting at 3 pm), the big voters have been divided in alphabetical order and by time slot: they will express their preference in 50 at a time and no more than 200 will be able to stop at the same time in the hemicycle. Where the new anti Covid “bieres” have been installed: no felt curtains, a perfect hiding place for the virus, but open booths, with simple wooden panels to hide the voters. The stations will be regularly sanitized during the estimated 5 or 6 hours to complete each vote (at the moment, there is one per day). For everyone there is an obligation to wear an Ffp2 mask and to observe interpersonal distancing.

The drive-in seat for the positives

The scenario changes for large voters in isolation, because they are positive for Covid. The government decree, approved the day before yesterday, authorizes their movement to Rome and to the Montecitorio car park, in via della Missione, where a special outdoor seat reserved for them has been set up. In order to exercise the right to vote, the interested parties had to send an email to the Presidency of the Chamber, attaching a medical certificate certifying the condition of isolation or quarantine and a release to agree to make their health situation “knowable” in the context voting procedures. By tonight they will receive by email the communication of the time slot assigned to them, in which to present themselves at the polling station to vote, on board a medical vehicle or with their own car, alone. In the parking lot they will find two classroom secretaries and some Montecitorio officials ready to assist them, they will not be able to have contact with anyone else. Their cards, before being combined with those collected inside the building, for the purposes of the scrutiny, will be sanitized. At the moment, just over 20 parliamentarians would be in isolation due to viruses and it is not known how many will actually decide to move to participate in the election of the new president of the Republic. The numbers, moreover, could also vary in the coming days.

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With a fever over 37.5 °, the tampon snaps

At the entrance to the Chamber, as mentioned, the body temperature will always be measured. Those who have it higher than 37.5 degrees will be invited to undergo an immediate antigenic control swab, at the appropriate post set up near the entrance to Parliament Square, where doctors will also be able to assess the existence of suspicious symptoms. In the event of a negative test result, even with a fever, the interested party can enter the building and vote in the classroom. If, on the other hand, the swab is positive, the great voter will be directed to the open-air “Covid seat” in via della Missione. On the day of the oath of the new head of state, the only occasion in which parliamentarians and regional delegates will meet together in the classroom and in the stands, the antigen test will instead be mandatory for everyone. Before entering Montecitorio, they will have to make a detour to the same parking area, where a real buffer center has been set up, capable of carrying out a thousand of them in a short time.

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