Home » UN Secretary-General: Military coups ‘unacceptable’ in 21st century – Xinhua English.news.cn

UN Secretary-General: Military coups ‘unacceptable’ in 21st century – Xinhua English.news.cn

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Source: Xinhua News Agency
Time: 2022-01-26 10:58

Xinhua News Agency, United Nations, January 25 (Reporter Wang Jiangang) United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reiterated his position on the recent military coup in Burkina Faso on the 25th, emphasizing that a military coup is “unacceptable” in the 21st century.

Guterres told the media at the United Nations headquarters in New York on the same day that he was deeply concerned about the military coup in Burkina Faso. The role of the military is to defend the country and the people, not to attack the government and fight for power. Military coups are “unacceptable” in the 21st century.

Guterres said that the existence of terrorist organizations in West Africa poses a threat to international peace and security, and the military of countries in the region should assume their professional role in defending the country and rebuilding democratic institutions.

Burkina Faso coup soldiers on the 24th in a speech on state television said that the military has seized power and dismissed President Kabore. Guterres issued a statement through a spokesman on the same day, strongly condemning “any takeover of the government by force”, calling on the coup fighters to ensure the personal safety of Kabore and the integrity of government institutions, urging all parties to exercise restraint and start dialogue as soon as possible. (Finish)

Edit: trs_zycf

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