Home » From the tread to the athletics tracks: the seven lives of tires at the end of the race

From the tread to the athletics tracks: the seven lives of tires at the end of the race

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Two hundred thousand tons of end-of-life tires collected in one year. And then a notable contribution both to the consumption of carbon dioxide and to the cost of importing raw materials from abroad. The new life of end-of-stroke tires begins with disposal. It is here that waste will be transformed again into raw material and then be used in the most disparate sectors. From the creation of sports surfaces (soccer fields, running tracks) to silent asphalts, continuing with the production of urban furniture to then arrive at preparatory interventions for energy recovery.

Positive balance sheet

The report drawn up by Ecopneus, the non-profit consortium company and considered one of the main operators in the field of end-of-life tires, is a positive result at national level. The year that has just ended, as the managers underline, ends with a collection figure of 200 thousand tons of tires recovered throughout the national territory.

Goal achieved

A value that “has made it possible to fully achieve the extraordinary collection objectives set by the Ministry of Ecological Transition to address the critical issues that have affected the national collection system”. In 2021, the “additional extraordinary” funding quota to deal with the “emergency” situation was first increased by 15 per cent and then by 20 per cent.

And give

The 200,000 tons of tires recovered are part of the system which registered 65,000 requests for intervention which involved over 26,500 tire dealers, service stations and garages in all the Italian provinces.

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A capillary intervention

«2021 was a complex year for the entire system and 2022 also started marked by the consequences of the health situation that we are unfortunately still experiencing – comments Federico Dossena, General Manager of Ecopneus -. Last year, despite the emergency situation, we still managed to fully achieve the legal objectives, guaranteeing a widespread collection throughout the national territory and giving our contribution to solve a problem causing severe suffering for tire dealers ».

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