Home » Beware of alcohol, they are (also) bad for the heart

Beware of alcohol, they are (also) bad for the heart

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Let’s face it. When Italy won the European championship, on the occasion of a particularly heartfelt anniversary, after a son’s graduation, we happened to raise our glasses several times and consume alcohol. Then, perhaps a few minutes after the ingestion of wines and liqueurs, the heart begins to beat faster, palpitations appear: in short, the various problems that can characterize atrial fibrillation, the most common arrhythmia, especially in old age, appear. but which does not spare adults and which, above all, if not recognized, increases the risk of stroke. Now an American search appeared on Nature Cardiovascular Research shows that there is a relationship between “binge drinking”, ie the consumption of large quantities of alcohol in a short period of time and the risk of being visited in the emergency room for the onset of this arrhythmic form. Not only. The association between the two situations would be concentrated precisely in correspondence with important events such as Super Bowl Sunday (the study was conducted in the USA) or more simply the New Year. Second Gregory Marcus, professor at the University of California in San Francisco and one of the study coordinators, the research confirms that the consumption of alcohol in quantity and in a few hours can trigger an arrhythmic episode in those already suffering from atrial fibrillation, but above all it indicates a greater risk of a first manifestation of rhythm disturbance in people who had never before seen the pathological picture recognized.

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at Federico Mereta

To reach this conclusion, the overseas experts studied the information relating to over 36,000 subjects who used a breathalyser connected via bluetooth to evaluate the days in which acute alcohol consumption was concentrated, such as New Year’s Eve, Christmas. , the national holiday of July 4th, le football world cup finals or more simply Father’s Day. And they saw that in those days the visits to the emergency room for atrial fibrillation increased, demonstrating the association between “binge drinking” and the onset of arrhythmia. To reach this conclusion, the experts examined the data relating to access to the emergency room of theOffice of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) of California in 2015, evaluating only visits related to rhythm disturbance. Then, looking at the weeks associated with allegedly increased alcohol consumption, they found that there was a significantly higher number of hospital visits for atrial fibrillation on identified holidays than at other times of the year. Finally, there is one last important fact: on days when more alcohol was consumed, the number of “first” visits for atrial fibrillation increased, that is, the checks in people who had never been diagnosed with arrhythmia have increased compared to “normal” days. which could suggest a possible role of the consumption in concentrated times of high quantities of alcohol in the triggering of the rhythm disturbance.

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“The study confirms the importance of a correct lifestyle as a fundamental part in the prevention of heart disease, in particular for atrial fibrillation, in which we know that constant alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of presentation – he comments. Giulio Molon, Director of Cardiology at theIrccs Sacred Heart of Negrar. This work provides us with data on alcohol as a trigger, as a trigger of arrhythmia, and its effect in acute. In fact, the study shows a clear increase in urgent hospital admissions due to atrial fibrillation in the days of greatest alcohol consumption, but above all it significantly highlights an association between increased alcohol consumption and hospital visits for this arrhythmic form. It is also the first study linking the acute intake of high quantities of alcohol to new cases of new onset arrhythmia, in subjects who have never suffered from it before. The size of the population in question, the use of technologically advanced methods (alcohol tests that work with Bluetooth), the results obtained make it a really interesting survey “. In short: the prevention of arrhythmia appears fundamental and passes through a healthy lifestyle which we should all adhere to; the moderate use of alcohol, avoiding excesses, is certainly part of these good habits. “In general, a lot of attention is paid to medical therapies, to any ablation procedures, but people have greater difficulty in changing their lifestyle by eliminating bad habits – concludes Molon. A greater commitment on the part of cardiologists, both towards the individual and the population through mass awareness campaigns, could help us in the goal of containing the epidemic of atrial fibrillation, an increasingly frequent arrhythmia that must be discovered early in order to implement targeted treatments case by case”.

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