Home » Towards the future together with the dream of ice and snow — General Secretary Xi Jinping leads the way to the Winter Olympics

Towards the future together with the dream of ice and snow — General Secretary Xi Jinping leads the way to the Winter Olympics

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“This is a microcosm of a century of change.”

After the New Year’s Day this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping braved the severe cold to visit the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics for the fifth time. From the “Three Questions of the Olympic Games” a hundred years ago to today’s “Double Olympic City”, the general secretary sighed with emotion.

A hundred years of history echoes, and a magnificent picture of ice and snow is slowly unfolding.

The grand goal of “driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports“, the earnest entrustment of “highlighting the characteristics of technology, wisdom, greenness and frugality”, and the firm confidence to “dedicate a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Winter Olympics to the world“…

The promise of the Winter Olympics, fulfilling the promise of China.

Sports is a symbol of a strong country and a symbol of national cohesion. The forging ahead China and the Olympics have joined hands again. The dream of a strong country in sports is connected with the dream of national rejuvenation, and they converge in the historical coordinates of the “two hundred years”.

“One picture” plan –

Dedicate a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Winter Olympics to the world

The Linglong Tower in Beijing Olympic Park, the beating countdown clock, conveys a deep expectation. On February 4 this year, the Beijing Winter Olympics will open as scheduled.

Step by step, the past events of the bid and preparation are vividly remembered. During the inspection on January 4 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping recalled these years: “From nothing! The bid was successful in 2015, and in pursuit of the vision and goals proposed at that time, we did everything according to the plan, and all It’s done. It’s not easy to get here today.”

Flip the calendar back to July 31, 2015.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics has entered the final competition. President Xi Jinping’s strong and powerful voice spread all over the world: “I believe that if you choose Beijing, the Chinese people will surely dedicate a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Winter Olympics to the world in Beijing!”

When IOC President Bach read out “Beijing”, China rejoiced and the world watched.

Looking at the historical position of the Winter Olympics, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s eyes are on the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world unseen in a century.

There are so many things to prepare for, how to solve the problem?

On August 20, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and made important instructions on adhering to green, shared, open, and clean hosting of the Olympics, pointing out the way forward for how to organize the Winter Olympics. Directions are provided fundamentally to follow.

The direction is clear, and the struggle of “roll up your sleeves and work hard” quickly surged in Beijing and Zhangzhou.

Venues and infrastructure development are the top priorities. Taking the National Snowmobile Center, which is the most difficult to design and construct, the builders started from scratch and independently built the world‘s first 360-degree slalom track. Hundreds of tests have broken the foreign monopoly on concrete spraying technology.

In the “Ice Ribbon” of the National Speed ​​Skating Hall, the designer analyzed tens of thousands of situations and weaved the saddle-shaped “sky curtain” with the largest span in the world. 3360 pieces of curved glass, roof and curtain wall cables are all made in China.

Such domestic initiatives and global leaders are everywhere in the construction of the Winter Olympics. In accordance with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions to “strengthen our own technological accumulation and technological innovation”, the Winter Olympics team overcame difficulties and unlocked a number of domestic blank technologies.

Overcoming challenges also means setting benchmarks. Chinese design, Chinese technology, Chinese materials, and Chinese manufacturing have integrated the “Chinese plan” for the Winter Olympics, adding luster to the Olympics and attracting the world‘s attention.

For the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, the green power of the venues has been fully covered. For the first time, the “Ice Ribbon” has adopted ice-making technology with close to zero carbon emissions. The National Aquatics Center has become the first venue in the world to complete the “water ice conversion”… Can, launched the vivid practice of the new development concept.

A blueprint is drawn to the end.

General Secretary Xi Jinping especially emphasized: “Hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics is not a one-shot deal, and if it cannot be held, it will become a ‘silent mountain forest’.”

Construction, planning first; start, ecology first. All new venues have a “future-proof” script, and 11 venues for the Beijing 2008 Olympics have been reused. The winter and summer project venues can be converted in both directions, and the post-game utilization and national fitness are fully integrated. Modern architecture, natural landscapes, and historical culture complement each other.

On January 23, 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Zhangjiakou competition area for the first time to inspect the preparations for the Winter Olympics. The general secretary walked to the platform outside the exhibition hall. Looking into the distance, the Yanshan Mountains and the Yinshan Mountains meet, and the white snow and the blue sky shine. The general secretary pointed out: “If a scientific and advanced planning concept is established, the road will be chosen correctly, and the road will not be afraid of being far away. What should be done early and what should be done in time, we must cooperate well and be just right.”

Looking at it now, “every step has been taken steadily”.

Adhere to the “two-handed approach” of epidemic prevention and control and the preparation of the Winter Olympics, and the three competition areas have continued to work with unabated efforts and standards. By the end of 2020, all 12 competition venues will be completed ahead of schedule. In the face of severe challenges, the preparations for the Winter Olympics are “promoting according to plan and plan” in an orderly manner, and solidly fulfilling various commitments. Behind this is China taking the lead in controlling the epidemic and achieving economic recovery as a major country.

As the preparations for the Winter Olympics entered a critical period of full sprint, full preparation, and decisive victory, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “It is necessary to highlight the requirements of ‘simple, safe, and exciting’ competition, comprehensively prevent and resolve various risks, and carefully organize the competition. Various preparations such as game service, technology application, cultural activities, etc., will minimize the risk of the epidemic.”

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“Despite the impact of the epidemic, the preparations for the Winter Olympics are progressing very smoothly, which is almost a miracle!” Bach’s remarks are the latest footnotes written by “Ruling of China” on the Winter Olympics stage.

The preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games has once again demonstrated the institutional advantages of the Party’s leadership and the national system, concentrating its efforts on major events.

The world expects China, and China is ready.

“Package” solution –

Strive to hand over two excellent answers in Winter Olympics preparation and local development

In early 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping took a special plane from Beijing to Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport to inspect the preparations for the Winter Olympics. Four years later, General Secretary Xi Jinping took a train along the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway to Taizicheng Station in Zhangjiakou Division.

A high-speed rail will speed up the road to the Winter Olympics and build a “one-hour economic circle” between Beijing and Zhangjiakou.

The unbalanced development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has a long history, and each has its own “problems of growth”. The Winter Olympics are like the finishing touch. Holding the Winter Olympics is an important starting point for promoting the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. Beijing and Hebei fly side by side.

The road ahead is clear.

Chongli, a small city outside the Great Wall, used the Winter Olympics to show its “golden signboard”. In the 2018-2019 snow season, the sales of snow tickets exceeded one million for the first time, and the tourism revenue exceeded 2 billion yuan. One out of every five locals had a “snow rice bowl”.

“Ice and snow are also golden mountains and silver mountains”, this golden sentence of General Secretary Xi Jinping has become a vivid practice of Chongli. In 2019, Chongli took off the hat of a national poverty-stricken county. Taking the express train for the preparation of the Winter Olympics, the local people’s sense of gain and happiness has been continuously improved.

The Shougang Industrial Park in the western suburbs of Beijing has created a new sample for the protection and utilization of urban industrial remains. The Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee set up camp here, and the original large workshop was transformed into a world-class ice and snow sports training venue.

There is also “city green lung” Yanqing. Before the construction of the first shovel in the competition area, the animal and plant resources should be thoroughly investigated, and the valuable trees should be labelled and transferred. “Mountain and Forest Venues, Ecological Winter Olympics”, people can enjoy the beauty of nature while enjoying ice and snow sports.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics will play a leading role in the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and strive to achieve more results in the fields of transportation, environment, industry, and public services. Another consideration is to help Beijing relieve its non-capital functions and enhance its radiating and driving effect on Hebei and Tianjin.

The preparations for the Winter Olympics have been accompanied by stories of poverty alleviation and job creation, as well as the scenery of blue sky and white clouds, clear waters and lush mountains. Joint management of regional ecological environment. From 2015 to 2021, the average annual concentration of PM2.5 in Beijing has dropped by 59%; “Zhangbei’s wind lights up Beijing’s lights”, and technologies such as energy saving and low-carbon energy are widely transformed and applied; From improvement to industrial transformation and upgrading, from optimization of public services to improvement of urban barrier-free environment… Overall planning, a “package” solution, the two places and three competition areas handed over a “report card” with various highlights, which not only serves the Winter Olympics, but also has a long-term perspective.

The road to preparation is also inseparable from the innovation of the system and mechanism, and the strengthening of the supervision of the whole process. General Secretary Xi Jinping has emphasized many times: “Let the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics be as pure and clean as ice and snow.” Whether it is ecological priority, sharing of achievements, or opening to the outside world and hosting the Olympics with integrity, they all reflect “people-centered” development ideas.

From “positive impact on the environment, new regional development, and better life” to “creating a new model of sustainable development for the Olympic Games and the region”, two excellent answers for the preparation of the Winter Olympics and local development are spread across the land of Beijing.

“Integration” force –

Promote the leap-forward development of ice and snow sports in my country

Beijing Erqi Locomotive Works, the place where China’s railway dream began. Today, this century-old factory has been transformed into a “base camp” for national-level ice and snow sports training and research.

As the one-month countdown to the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the No. 27 Factory Ice and Snow Training Base, and sent an affectionate message to the members of the national speed skating team who were stationed here: “There are several struggles in life, and hard work is worth it. How can plum blossoms be fragrant without going through the bone-chilling cold?” The general secretary’s emotional remarks lit up the hearts of chasing dreams.

Before bidding for the Winter Olympics, one-third of the 109 Winter Olympics events had not yet been launched in my country. How to reverse the situation of “strong summer and weak winter” and “strong ice and weak snow”? On February 24, 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out when he communicated with short track speed skaters at the Capital Gymnasium: “The current situation of ice and snow sports in my country is that ice is stronger than snow, and ice sports must consolidate their advantages and reach a new level; snow sports We must catch up and make up for our shortcomings.”

General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited national teams in ice and snow events many times, communicated in-depth with athletes and coaches, and observed training and preparations. “Promoting the leap-forward development of my country’s ice and snow sports is an important part of realizing the second centenary goal, and it also creates a rare life opportunity for the majority of ice and snow athletes.” The general secretary’s earnest entrustment and earnest expectation resonated in Bingxue Jianer’s heart.

The competition is exciting, and the competition should also be brilliant. In accordance with the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping “to improve the level of winter sports competition in my country, we must plan early and continue to promote”, the sports system coordinates national resources, “expands coverage, solid points, elite soldiers, sprint”, and takes solid steps.

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A set of data witnesses the strength of ice and snow sports to “fill in the gaps, strong and weak” – the Beijing Winter Olympics cycle, nearly 4,000 people participated in the training and preparations, about 7 times more than the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics cycle; athletes from the national training team came from 29 There are 22 nationalities in 22 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, with an average age of 21 years old, full of vigor and vitality.

From January 18th to 19th, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to the three competition areas in Beijing and Hebei to investigate and investigate the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics. The general secretary told everyone with deep feeling that, like our country’s road to becoming a powerful country, China’s ice and snow sports must also follow the road of technological innovation. On the one hand, we must adhere to independent innovation, and on the other hand, we must actively absorb the world‘s advanced technology and training methods. , to improve the level of ice and snow sports training and competition in my country as soon as possible, and provide technical support for promoting the leap-forward development of ice and snow sports in my country.

This road is getting firmer and wider. Through cooperation with local governments, enterprises and social forces, a number of high-level training bases have been built and used in Beijing Erqi Factory, Beijing Shougang, Hebei Laiyuan, Jilin Beishan and other places. All over the world “chasing the snow”.

Relying on digital technology and artificial intelligence system, ski jumpers can “fly higher and fall more stably”; the wind tunnel laboratory overcomes the cutting-edge technology of “stuck neck” to help athletes greatly improve training efficiency; the first self-developed snow wax car in China , successfully launched in less than a year… High-level sports technology is self-reliant and self-reliant, and the development of ice and snow projects has jumped to a new level and opened up a new pattern.

Many Winter Olympics events in my country have grown out of nothing in more than two years, and some of them have reached the world‘s advanced level. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “It is precisely because we have a nationwide system that we coordinate scheduling and optimize selection in all aspects to inject a lot of fresh blood into the ice and snow team in a short period of time, alleviating the shortage of talents.”

Hearing that the goal of “all-project development, all-project team building, and all-project training” for the Winter Olympics has been achieved, General Secretary Xi Jinping said with emotion: “Through the preparation of the Winter Olympics, not only has the competitive level of ice and snow sports been caught up, but the level of ice and snow sports has also been improved. Popularization and promotion have also caught up, and the quality and quantity of sports have improved.”

“Winter Dream” jumped out of the arena and flourished in the land of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping said vividly: “The Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics are like a catapult, which can promote the rapid development of my country’s ice and snow sports and ice and snow industry.”

“Cold resources” drive “hot economy”, and a promising ice and snow market is about to emerge. The “Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games Legacy Report Collection (2022)” shows that in the 2020-2021 snow season, the number of ice and snow tourists in my country will reach 230 million, and the revenue of ice and snow tourism will reach 390 billion yuan.

“The ice and snow industry is a big industry and a sunrise industry.” Since the successful bid for the Winter Olympics, guiding policies have been introduced one after another, and the Ice and Snow Industrial Park has become a “sweet pastry”. In the past, it mainly relied on imported ice and snow equipment, but now the localization rate is increasing.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Building a strong country in sports is an important goal of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.” The “troika” of mass sports, competitive sports, and the sports industry is integrated to promote the high-quality development of sports in the new era. road.

“Ice and snow sports are difficult, demanding, and highly ornamental, which can ignite people’s passions.”

“China Ice and Snow, come on!” The mission is on my shoulders, and the struggle has my pride, surging in the hearts of Chinese Ice and Snow people.

“A game of chess” layout –

Drive 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports

Shanhaiguan, an important pass leading to the northeast. Once upon a time, it was also the dividing line of China’s ice and snow sports.

At the beginning of 2014, in Sochi, Russia, when talking with Bach, President Xi Jinping said: “In China, ice and snow sports do not enter Shanhaiguan. If ice and snow sports can be promoted within the customs, it is expected to attract 200 million to 300 million people to participate, thereby igniting China’s ice and snow sports. torch.”

This grand vision deeply moved Bach and the international community, and played a key role in the success of Beijing’s bid for the Winter Olympics.

Past, present, and future, if you stretch the lens for a long time, you can better understand the deep meaning. In early 2017, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the preparations for the Winter Olympics in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, he emphasized that we want to hold a green, economical and clean Winter Olympics. What is the significance of it? It is because the health of the whole people is the meaning of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Keep fit and make people’s lives better.

Let more people participate in ice and snow sports, which is also the meaning of the Olympic movement. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The biggest purpose of our bid to host the Winter Olympics is to popularize ice and snow sports among 300 million people and promote the leapfrog development of ice and snow sports in China.”

In February 2017, at the Wukesong Sports Center, General Secretary Xi Jinping took a small ice hockey player’s hand, leaned down, and shoulder-to-shoulder with him, in a sports “confrontation” posture. The general secretary said with a smile, the young man needs to grow up a little more, and China’s ice and snow sports are counting on you.

“Grab from the doll”, ice and snow sports found a point of strength. Today, the seeds of ice and snow have been sown among the vast majority of young people.

Young people are strong, China is strong. National fortunes prosper, sports prosper.

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A game of chess across the country, Ice and Snow. From the north to the whole country, and from winter to the four seasons, the ice and snow sports “expanding from the south to the west, expanding to the east” have achieved remarkable results.

The “One Hundred Cities Thousand Ice Plan” covers Shenzhou, and the “National Mass Ice and Snow Season” has been held for 8 consecutive sessions. The “shepherd” in Beijing’s Yanqing turned into the captain of a peasant ski team, the business district of Shanghai’s Huangpu River built an outdoor ice rink, and tourists from Altay, Xinjiang traveled on “fur skis”… When ice and snow sports are integrated into daily life, the enthusiasm of the public for participation is overwhelmed. Unprecedented excitation.

“The foundation of a strong sports country lies in mass sports“. On the eve of the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the “Statistical Survey Report on “Driving 300 Million People to Participate in Ice and Snow Sports” was officially released. The data shows that since Beijing successfully bid for the Winter Olympics in 2015, the number of national residents who have participated in ice and snow sports is 346 million. The participation rate of ice and snow sports was 24.56%, achieving the goal of “driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports” ahead of schedule.

China’s innovative exploration and contribution are changing the world‘s ice and snow sports landscape. As Bach said, the history of world ice and snow sports will be divided by the Beijing Winter Olympics, which will become a milestone in the development of world ice and snow sports.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “To accelerate the construction of a strong sports country, we must adhere to the people-centered ideology, take the people as the main body of sports development, and take meeting the people’s fitness needs and promoting people’s all-round development as the starting point and end point of sports work. Implement the national strategy for national fitness and continuously improve people’s health.”

The people are very important in the heart of General Secretary Xi Jinping. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “From a sports powerhouse to a healthy China, the people’s health, the people’s physique, and the people’s happiness are all in the same line. This is the meaning of the all-round well-off and all-round modernization. Its meaning can be seen in the small. Big.”

In the land of China, the torch of ice and snow sports has been lit.

“A force” to push –

China’s sports, economic and social development and the development of the World Olympic Movement have created a win-win situation

In 2018, the closing ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. In the astonishing “8 Minutes in Beijing”, President Xi Jinping sent an invitation via video: “Hundreds of millions of Chinese people and I welcome friends from all over the world, and we will meet in Beijing in 2022! Welcome you, welcome friends!”

The stars are shifting, and the spring and autumn are full. The Olympic torch will once again light up the night sky of Beijing.

The glory and dreams, treks and struggles along the way are also further demonstrating to the world my country’s achievements in reform and opening up and its peaceful development proposition.

After Beijing and Zhangjiakou successfully bid for the Winter Olympics in 2015, international public opinion unanimously agreed: “This is a safe and historic choice.” In the following years, Bach came to China many times and repeatedly lamented that the Olympic Games “were handed over to those who can rest assured.” “I am sure that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be exciting.”

A big country has the bearing, and a big country takes responsibility. China deserves this trust.

Change the landscape of the world‘s ice and snow sports, set a new benchmark for the future of the Olympics, and open up a new realm for the Olympic movement… The Beijing Winter Olympics will not only benefit China.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The holding of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing is an important opportunity for China’s sports, economic and social development and the development of the world Olympic movement to create a win-win situation. It will also further stimulate the enthusiasm of the Chinese people for the Olympic movement and drive more Chinese People care about, love, and participate in ice and snow sports, and make positive contributions to the development of the Olympic movement and the spread of the Olympic spirit.”

New technologies such as 5G and AI speed up the “Science and Technology Winter Olympics”, and exchanges with international sports organizations have become a booster for strengthening international cooperation. The concept and practice of Winter Olympics preparation echoes the direction of the reform of the Olympic Games… The way to organize the Winter Olympics is not only to fulfill The process of making commitments and promoting development is also a process of contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese strength to the world.

The Winter Olympics blend Chinese culture and inspire an admirable “Chinese-style romance”. The venues “Xue Ruyi” and “Bing Yuhuan” with Chinese elements in their shapes, the emblem “Winter Dream” born out of the art of calligraphy, and the medals inspired by ancient concentric jade bi , Cultural confidence.

This picture of ice and snow unfolds a magnificent picture of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s words were powerful: “We must not only hold a successful Winter Olympics, but also hold a special, wonderful and unique event.”

Knowing each other is not far or near, thousands of miles are still neighbors. Just as the idea of ​​building a community with a shared future for mankind has shown a strong appeal, the Beijing Winter Olympics has been widely recognized and supported around the world. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres is full of expectations: “I will appear at the Beijing Winter Olympics to convey this message to everyone: the Beijing Winter Olympics will definitely bring peace to the world.”

Gather under the banner of the Five Rings, meet inside and outside the Great Wall. The new Olympic motto of “Faster, Higher, Stronger – More Unity” will surely shine on the stage of the Beijing Winter Olympics; the Beijing Winter Olympics will play a strong voice of peace, friendship and progress. Promote exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese civilization and other civilizations in the world. Along the way with the Olympics, the world will see a persevering and thriving China.

“History will engrave this stroke, and the world will have a new understanding of China’s road.”

Build a dream of ice and snow together and move towards the future together.

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