Home » Taxes Turin, the Municipality announces an increase in income tax for those with over 28 thousand euros of income

Taxes Turin, the Municipality announces an increase in income tax for those with over 28 thousand euros of income

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The Municipality of Turin will increase the personal income tax for medium-high incomes. This is one of the innovations contained in the agreement signed by the City with Palazzo Chigi to access the 70 million euro fund (for 2022) that the government has allocated to Municipalities in financial difficulty. “We are committed to the policy of consolidating the accounts through a solidarity contribution that we will ask the wealthiest Turin residents through a slight increase in the municipal surcharge on the highest income brackets, a recovery of tax evasion and an enhancement and reorganization of the Municipality that can optimize the efficiency of services “said Mayor Stefano Lo Russo.

The idea of ​​the new council is to make over a thousand hires in order to refresh the municipal machine. According to what was announced by the mayor, the incomes will be affected over 28 thousand euros per year “But in fact the effect will be for the Turinese who have incomes above 120 thousand euros. So out of over 600 thousand taxpayers there will be about 10.000 those to which the Irpef increase will be applied.

How long will this increase be?

Also according to what was announced by the mayor Lo Russo who has income above 120 thousand euros per year will see the municipal income tax increase between 30 and 230 euros per year. For those who have income instead between 28 thousand and 120 thousand euros, the increase will be offset by a reduction in national income tax. In this way the City of Turin will collect 18 million euros.

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