Home » Monigo is sold out to cheer the blue Nove Trevigiani ready to challenge England

Monigo is sold out to cheer the blue Nove Trevigiani ready to challenge England

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Ale Garbisi will lead Italy to Treviso: all tickets sold out Coach Brunello sure: “The public will give us the right push”


For almost two years, Italy under 20 had not been able to play in Italy for well-known reasons: Treviso was chosen for the great comeback. And the Marca responded as it knows, with great pride and passion: Monigo sold out. Had there been more places than the 2500 allowed by the 50% capacity (and in the current times there are many) the result would have been the same: the Federation’s right homage to the most oval province in Italy. Moreover Treviso is well represented, on the field and on the bench, by Pani, Ale Garbisi, Bizzotto and Rubinato (Benetton), Passarella and Berlese (Tarvisium), Cenedese (Villorba), Bonan (Rovigo) and Sante (Mogliano).

Tonight we are playing for the Six Nations, it’s the second round and the opponent is another tough nut to crack like England, who last week destroyed Scotland 41-24 in Edinburgh, while the azzurrini got even harder, 15 -41, in transalpine land. It is useless to underline the many difficulties that the XV of coach Massimo Brunello will encounter in facing the squadron of the Rosa, outgoing champion: two changes compared to the defeat at Mont de Marsan: Ross Vincent, flanker, positive result but then negativized, was excluded for precautionary reasons, while Tommaso Scramoncin, the Petrarchian hooker, sits on the bench and is replaced by the Florentine Lapo Frangini. Six are instead the English changes decided by coach Alan Dickens with respect to the success in Scotland. Captain Fin Baxter, with Ilione moved to Number 8, Moore makes his debut at the wing and the new midfielder Jones-Benson. This is Brunello’s analysis: «England are a dangerous team, they know how to attack from all sides of the pitch and on the broken game they certainly have legs and hands capable of hurting anyone. We have studied them carefully, and our game plan is built to withstand the impact allowing us to express our rugby, we respect them but we do not fear them and we will play it openly ».

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To succeed, Italy will absolutely have to do better than in France. «In the first phase of the match against the French we paid very dearly for the boys’ unfamiliarity with the field, which in fact then grew with the passing of the minutes, managing a good second half against certainly quality opponents, especially in front. We have analyzed well what happened in Mont de Marsan, we have worked well this week in Treviso in England projection: the team is mentally ready, charged for being able to return to play in Italy after a very long time. I am confident that Monigo’s audience will be able to give the right push, for our part we will play trying to always keep the standard high to stay hooked to the game until the end. We’ll see”. –

Silvano Focarelli

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