Home » Bruising for no reason? Here’s what to look out for

Bruising for no reason? Here’s what to look out for

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If you’ve noticed any strange bruises appearing on your body, don’t underestimate this and get it checked. Here’s what you should watch out for

Our body is able to send us continuously signals that “update” us on the state of health of our organism. These signals can be hits of cough, pain, fatigue, but also bruises that could appear on our body, apparently for no reason.

It is not uncommon, in fact, to wake up in the morning or notice while taking a shower that you have some strange bruises on our body, which we did not suspect existed. In this article, therefore, we want to explain to you why you don’t have to underestimate them and which you need to pay attention to.

Here is what bruises on the body you need to watch out for

See appear bruises on our body it can be a very annoying thing, as they could cause pain and irritation. It is not uncommon, in fact, to see bruises appear on legs, arm e neck. But, if in most cases these are harmless manifestations, sometimes it is better to be careful.


The bruises are nothing more than skin lesionswhich manifest themselves for numerous reasons, in most cases trauma or shock. Bruises are the direct consequence of break up of capillaries and, therefore, the accumulation of blood under the skin (hence the classic purple color).

However, the cause the appearance of bruises on the body are not always those caused by a bump or trauma. Here are some causes of bruising that you need to look out for:

  • Vitamin deficiency: This is the so-called avitaminosis. In particular, the appearance of bruises can be a consequence of one vitamin C deficiency. This nutrient is particularly important for the protection of blood vessels and epidermis. This means that a deficiency in this vitamin would make it more profitable fragile the blood capillaries, the rupture of which, as we have seen, causes the appearance of bruises on the body. Also there vitamin K plays a role in all of this, as it contributes to clot formation and reduces the risk of bruising;
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  • Von Willebrand disease: it’s a hereditary pathology characterized by widespread appearance of bruises on the body. In addition, it causes excessive loss of blood due to injuries or during the menstrual cycle. Although there is no cure for this disease, there are valid treatments thanks to some specific drugs;


  • Diabetes: Another alarm bell produced by the formation of bruises on the body is the one that warns about a possible onset of diabetes. This is caused by a dizzying increase in blood glucose levels. The consequence is that of a greater fragility of the blood vessels and an increase of ease of their breakup. This, therefore, means that those with diabetes could easily go against the formation of bruises.

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