Home » Miss Italia changes and renews itself: streaming platform and inclusive beauty

Miss Italia changes and renews itself: streaming platform and inclusive beauty

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Everything is transformed. Miss Italy too. And so the most popular national contest, capable of making thousands of girls and their mothers dream, comes back again , broadcast tonight on the Elbiz Live platform with an inclusive format that welcomes a new aesthetic. Uniqueness, the word of order since Drusilla Foer pronounced it on the stage of Sanremo. explains the patron Patrizia Mirigliani who never gave up, not even after in the competition issued in 2013 by the then President of the Chamber Laura Boldrini (). Forgetting perhaps that a lot of talent came out of that competition, starting with the misses of the 50s that made the history of international cinema: Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, Silvana Mangano, Lucia Bosè. To get to today with Caterina Murino, Miriam Leone, Anna Valle, Giusy Buscemi, Caterina Balivo, Francesca Chillemi, Cristina Chiabotto.

And between the old controversies and the new format, the 19 misses in the final advance to the cry of . And tonight at the Venice Casino Ca ‘Vendramin Calergi they will compete for the 2021 title (delay due to Covid). To present the evening Elettra Lamborghini e

Alessandro Di Sarno, correspondent of “Le Iene”. The new Miss Italy will be elected by the stylist Elisabetta Franchi (president of the jury), the quick-change artist Arturo Brachetti, the fashion expert Jonathan Kashanian.

For all girls it is a possibility more than a dream. And this explains the always high number of those who try: 12 thousand registrations this year despite Covid.

When you talk to misses many use the word . The opportunity to set foot in the entertainment world and be seen. But they are not beautiful figurines. Although beautiful they are beautiful, whatever meaning is given to this word. And this year they will not be judged only for their aesthetics but above all for their capacity for transformation, and for their impact on the public. explains Mirigliani

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Subsequently, in the transformation test, the misses will be transformed into eighteenth-century queens and will wear period Venetian costumes. Finally, in the impact test, the girls will have to create an effective social campaign.

The new Miss Italy will be elected by a jury composed of: the stylist Elisabetta Franchi (president of the jury), the quick-change artist Arturo Brachetti, the fashion expert Jonathan Kashanian and Giulia Salemi.

“Italy reopens, we return step by step to normality and right now the new Miss Italy is being elected>, wrote Enzo Biagi in ’46. Because the competition has always been the mirror of popular national Italy, the thermometer and the story of a country. And it continues to be so with the transformation that takes into account the new female awareness, but also the inclusion and a changed sensitivity with respect to the body of women. Deleted the band and also the numbers. Perhaps the swimsuit that each girl will choose whether to wear or not. For them, tracksuits, leggings and evening dresses.

The misses are aged between 19 and 26, all have high school diplomas, most of them study at the university and some work on weekends. Two are college graduates, two are married. They have aspirations related to their studies (marketing, communication, economics, tourism sector). They are influencers, sportsmen, employed in public administration. And there is also a carabiniera, Francesca Bissone: married representative of Piedmont and Val d’Aosta, she works in Borgomanero (Novara). And what it once would have been luckily it isn’t anymore. Giulia Talia, from Lazio, has already made headlines for her declared homosexuality of her. And then stories of marginalization, bullying, but also of redemption, revenge, determination. In short, a great Italian story.

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