Home » Pordenone goes to Parma Tedino plays the charge

Pordenone goes to Parma Tedino plays the charge

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The coach: “To put them in difficulty, we need high rhythms and aggression” Absent Pasa and Gavazzi, Zammarini is back, butic-Di Serio duo in attack


Tardini di Parma, 2.00 pm: Pordenone lands on a renowned stage to attempt an enterprise. To repeat the success achieved a few weeks ago in another important audience such as the Curi of Perugia. In the middle, the mocking draw of Teghil with Spal. In which only a feat by Thiam strangled the scream of the second consecutive victory in the throat.

In Parma, therefore, a Pordenone in good health will be presented. The conviction grows, the amalgamation of the new ones as well. The environment in which, as recalled by President Mauro Lovisa, “you breathe a new, proactive and positive air” believes more. All components to be fielded today in the presence of a tournament battleship, although the current ranking of the ducals does not say this. Mysteries of football, which led the Parma club to rely on the expert hands of Giuseppe Iachini. So far, his treatment has not brought the desired effects. But the fact remains that the neroverdi will have to deal with an “out of class” team, just to quote patron Lovisa again.

On the same wavelength the coach Bruno Tedino, who today will celebrate his hundredth black-green bench among the professionals. «Proud and excited to cross this milestone with the team of my city». On the match: «The staff and Parma coach – confirmed the coach – are from Serie A. But we will still have to try to put them in difficulty in terms of rhythm and aggression. A positive result in the presence of a rival and in such an important context would be precious to say the least ». In fact, it is enough to scroll through the list of today’s rivals: from the “myth” Gigi Buffon in goal, to the attacking couple, who would have little to envy to some opposite team from the top flight, composed of the former Genoa player Pandev and the Nigerian Simy, already top scorer of the tournament with Crotone. Passing through the former Seville Vazquez.

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Tedino for his part is thinking about dosing his strength in view of the upcoming tour de force: five races between now and the end of the month. Possible news in defense, with El Kaouakibi, Barison and Bassoli vying for a jersey. And in between, given the absences of Pasa and Gavazzi. While in attack, confidence in the Butic-Di Serio duo should be confirmed, with Cambiaghi behind them. Zammarini is back at disposal.

Six matches scheduled today, in addition to the Tardini match. In the menu, the direct confrontation (at 2 pm) between Vicenza and Cosenza stands out, also from a black-green perspective, or between the team that closes the ranking and the one that opens the play-out area. A success of Brocchi’s team could therefore reopen the saving games. All the more so if a surprise result came out at the Tardini. –

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