Home » Terra Next, the start-up accelerator of the Bioeconomy

Terra Next, the start-up accelerator of the Bioeconomy

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Terra Next, the start-up accelerator of the Bioeconomy

More funds and investments for the bioeconomy. Starting with start-ups. Terra Next was born with this objective, the acceleration program for innovative companies that aim to interconnect economic activities that use renewable biological resources of the earth and the sea – such as crops, forests, fish, animals and microorganisms – to produce food, materials and energy. . With the aim of reducing the use of hydrocarbons as much as possible.

The result of the Cdp Venture Capital initiative, Terra Next sees the participation of the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and the support of Cariplo Factory for the operational management of the program. With an initial budget of approximately 5.1 million euros, Terra Next is designed on a 3-year time axis: every year a 12-week acceleration path based in Naples will be launched, in which the selected startups will have the opportunity to grow through mentorship, training, networking and frontal in-depth moments dedicated to the consolidation of the value proposition and the business model, technical validation and prototyping of solutions, support for go-to-market and fundraising.

The Bioeconomy in Italy is worth about 317 billion euros, the hope of investors is now to create synergies with industrial entities. “The Bioeconomy is at the center of the inclusive economic development measures of the European Union and represents a particularly strategic sector for Italy, where its impact reaches 12% of GDP with large employment and social repercussions” says Francesca Bria, president of Cdp Venture Capital echoed by Riccardo Porro, Chief Operating Officer of Cariplo Factory: «Bioeconomy is not only a priority of our time, but also an excellence of Made in Italy. Thanks to research, new technologies and the activation of co-innovation processes, we can accelerate the transition towards sustainable and resilient development models ».

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