Home » Reading Pasolini in Tehran, the Italian embassy remembers the writer

Reading Pasolini in Tehran, the Italian embassy remembers the writer

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Reading Pasolini in Tehran, the Italian embassy remembers the writer

TEHRAN – With a concert by the pianist Giovanni Guidi in the residence of the Italian ambassador Giuseppe Perrone, the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Pierpaolo Pasolini began in Tehran. The piano performance, entitled “100 love letters”, was composed by Guidi to commemorate the great Italian writer and intellectual and the extraordinary impact he left on Italian culture and society. The unfolding of Pasolini’s celebrations in Tehran takes on a particular significance in light of the special bond that the Italian poet had with Iran, the land he chose for the filming of the film “The flower of a thousand and one nights”.

In presenting his musical project, Guidi commented: “One hundred love meetings. One hundred prayers to Pier Paolo Pasolini. One hundred prayers a hundred years after his birth because all and all of us would like him to have never died “.

“The presence in the Iranian capital of Giovanni Guidi and his small orchestra and the exclusive concert dedicated to the great Italian intellectual in love with the lands of the East – said ambassador Perrone – provide a particularly eloquent indication of the solid historical relations between Italy and Iran and the importance attached by the Italian Embassy in Tehran to the deepening of cultural relations between the two countries “.

Giovanni Guidi and his “Little Italy Orchestra” also performed at the Vahdat Hall in Tehran with their exclusive repertoire of jazz music on the occasion of the 37th edition of the Fajr Music Festival, held every year in mid-February with the participation of musicians from all over the world.

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This year the presence from abroad was limited due to the pandemic, with the exception of the Italian group that performed a live public concert, one of the very few performances in the presence of foreign artists.

The musical performance in the Ambassador’s residence was broadcast live on Instagram and will soon be available on the Embassy’s Instagram (@ItalyinIran) and YouTube (Italian Embassy in Tehran) channels.

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