Home » To have a flat stomach it is not enough to eliminate some foods but these good habits would also be needed

To have a flat stomach it is not enough to eliminate some foods but these good habits would also be needed

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To have a flat stomach it is not enough to eliminate some foods but these good habits would also be needed

The swollen and painful abdomen would seem to be one of the most widespread ailments of the last century.

The swollen belly is a problem that affects people of all ages from children to adults without distinction.

There are those who rarely suffer from it and those who live with this annoyance every day.

The causes of a swollen belly can be different and very varied. In fact, swelling is physiological in some cases, such as when particular types of foods such as some vegetables are introduced. For example cabbage, broccoli, corn and also apples, pears and persimmons.

In other cases, however, the swelling could be a consequence of food intolerances, rather than an indication of other disorders.

In addition, the swelling can appear on its own or bring with it other symptoms such as colic, constipation, diarrhea and abdominal pain. But how can we fight it?

To have a flat stomach it is not enough to eliminate some foods but these good habits would also be needed

It must be said that some foods could contribute to increase or generate abdominal bloating. This is the case of some vegetables, but also of foods such as dairy products which seem to favor the development of pro-inflammatory molecules. And even foods such as leavened bread, sweets and baked goods would increase inflammation and abdominal swelling.

The same goes for processed and red meats as they seem to favor inflammatory processes. Therefore it is better to limit consumption.

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Instead, we could opt for the consumption of lighter foods such as fish, but also rice rather than introducing easily digestible foods such as cucumbers and fennel.

Furthermore, to relieve swelling we could opt for the moderate consumption of fiber, but also use substances such as ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory that deflates the abdomen and promotes the elimination of toxins.

Another valid option to reduce flatulence and abdominal bloating could be drinking this hot herbal tea based on medicinal herbs.

The habits that inflate the belly

However, in addition to food, other substances and bad habits can negatively affect the abdomen and cause it to swell.

Alcohol and sugary drinks, for example, could increase bloating and slow down digestive processes. Habits like smoking also have a major impact on bloating and gastroesophageal reflux.

As well as the sedentary lifestyle, in fact the static positions held for a long time slow down digestion by interfering with intestinal motility and favoring meteorism phenomena.

Therefore, as we have seen, to have a flat stomach it is not enough to eliminate some foods but it will also be necessary to adopt healthier habits.

Stress that weighs you down

Finally, remember that one of the most common causes that cause the abdomen to swell is certainly stress. In fact, stress increases cortisol which generates a series of chain reactions that put the body on alert. The advice is to remove all unnecessary sources of stress and dedicate yourself, even for just 10 minutes a day, to relaxing practices such as meditation. Alternatively, ten minutes of deep breathing could help.

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Recommended reading

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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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