Home » Juniper berries are worth gold when added to this homemade draining herbal tea that would also help reduce flatulence

Juniper berries are worth gold when added to this homemade draining herbal tea that would also help reduce flatulence

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Juniper berries are worth gold when added to this homemade draining herbal tea that would also help reduce flatulence

During this period, many people complain of abdominal bloating or digestive problems. This happens because often, in the winter months, there is a tendency to overdo it with binges and snacks between meals.

After the Christmas period it is difficult to go back to a balanced everyday diet. Sometimes it takes months to get used to normal portions again and not to overdo the meals. A little healthy detox to cleanse is what it takes to get back on track. Not only to lose weight, but also to get rid of those little annoyances like indigestion or flatulence. Not to mention the water retention which may have worsened.

A good way to drink more water and get the right amount of fluids is to use herbal teas. Combining some natural ingredients could also lead to health benefits. By solving at least in part some of these annoyances that have been accompanying us for months.

Juniper berries are worth gold when added to this homemade draining herbal tea that would also help reduce flatulence

There are many draining herbal teas that promise miracles around. It is true that some natural ingredients would help balance the body, but unfortunately for us there are no shortcuts or miraculous elixirs, you must always have this in mind.

That said, it doesn’t mean that with the right ingredients you can’t have benefits. For example, by using cinnamon we could improve digestion and get rid of flatulence.

The real revelation is the juniper berries. As reported by the Humanitas Institute, they would have diuretic properties and would also be able to fight any urinary infections. Among other properties they would also have the ability to improve the entire digestive process. So relieve stomach pain, reduce intestinal bloating and dyspepsia.

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Ingredients for 100 gr of preparation

  • 10 g of ginger root;
  • 10 g of cloves;
  • and 10 g of juniper berries;
  • 20 g of cinnamon sticks;
  • 20 g of orange peel;
  • 30 g of lemon balm leaves.

This herbal mix can be stored in the pantry in an airtight container. Whenever we want to enjoy a good and useful herbal tea we will always have it at hand.


We boil 250 ml of water in a saucepan and then add a tablespoon of this mixture. Let’s simmer the decoction over low heat for about 7 minutes. We turn off the stove and leave to infuse for another 15 minutes before filtering it and enjoying it.

Hence, juniper berries are worth gold when used in herbal teas and infusions. In any case, it is good to remember that herbal teas do not have miraculous properties. To lose weight or reduce cellulite, it is best to consult a nutrition specialist to establish a balanced diet.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only. We do not know the eating habits and any intolerances of our readers and for this reason it is recommended to consult your doctor about foods that could cause damage to your health. In any case it is strongly It is advisable to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities that can be consulted WHO”)

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