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Mistakes that damage the heart: habits to change

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Mistakes that damage the heart: habits to change

Mistakes that damage the heart, mistakes that compromise the health of an essential vital organ. Let’s see what they are to avoid getting them.

Nurse with a paper heart (Photo Pixabay)

The heart is the engine of the cardiovascular systema small muscle, no bigger than a pear, responsible for pumping up to 6 liters of blood per minute throughout our body.

Here because you need to take great care of it and avoid making mistakes, even if unknowingly, that could harm this extraordinary muscle.

Let’s find out what are the mistakes that damage the heart and what we can do to avoid them.

Mistakes that damage the heart

Mistakes that damage the heartflaws that we do not always intentionally commit but that it is necessary to avoid committing them.

excess salt
Foods to avoid in order not to damage the body (Photo Pixabay)

Many of the cases of cardiovascular disease would be easily preventable if we were concerned about heart health not only when some problem or ailment occurs but also in a preventive way.

The right way to take care of your heart is to try to take care of yourself, in all and for all. Loving yourself is the starting point for taking care of your health, starting from what we eat to taking care of the body and movement.

Let’s see what are the mistakes that damage the heart and compromise the rest of our health.

Too much fat

Excessive consumption of saturated fatty acids is a risk factor for the development of chronic degenerative diseases.

Saturated fats they can cover up to 10% of your total daily calorie requirement. Saturated fats of animal origin are the most harmful, in that favor the determination of high blood cholesterol levels.

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High cholesterol levels are closely linked to diseases such as atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Lots of meat

Excessive consumption of red meatas well as increasing the risk of death in generalraises the possibility of getting sick with chronic diseases such as: cancer, lung and heart disease, stroke, diabetes, infections, Alzheimer’s, kidney and liver diseases.

Meat is important, because it provides us with the essential proteins for our body, however it is not possible to overdo the doses.

Too much salt

Using too much salt can greatly affect arterial blood pressure and, consequently, the risk of diseases of the blood vessels, heart and kidneys, stomach tumors and possibly osteoporosis, especially in people at risk.

Plus a habit of overdoing it salt on the dishes, it tends to cover the real flavor which in fact is that of food without salt.

Abuse of dairy products

Milk and dairy products are sources of valuable substances for the good functioning of the body, but it is important not to eat in excess.

Some of the molecules contained in milk and derivatives, in certain situations or in doses higher than recommended by experts, they can be harmful to healthespecially saturated fats and cholesterol or certain factors that stimulate cell growth

Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are the ones that through an industrial process, they are stripped of all fibers and their nutritional values.

Refined carbohydrates result in rapid assimilation of glucose in the body. But they can replace with products made with whole grains.

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Among the refined carbohydrates we find: white bread, white flour, white rice, breakfast cereals, pastries, fizzy drinks, snacks and much more.

Sweetened and carbonated drinks

White, refined sugar or sugar from drinks it has almost no nutritional valueas well as providing us with the glucose we need (but in small quantities).

It is best to opt for lightly processed foodsvery rich in fiber and with a low glycemic index: dried fruit, whole grains, vegetables and legumes and some fruits (rhubarb, red fruits, apples, pears, lemon).

Little movement

A sedentary lifestyle is much more harmful than you think, increases the risk of dying prematurely.

An hour of brisk walking 3 times a weekAs your heart health improves, being a muscle, the more trained the better.

The hardest part is getting startedafterwards you can gradually increase the physical exercise, without excessive muscle fatigue or shortness of breath.

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Lack or excess of sleep

A quality sleep is, together with a healthy diet and sport, the basis of good health. Lack of sleep has consequences terrible: stress, lack of concentration, mood swings, migraines and in the long run cognitive dysfunction and risk of increased incidence of heart attack or stroke. Unfortunately we can say the same for the opposite conditionthat is, oversleeping.

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