Home » Coronavirus Italy: today another 17,981 cases (-26.3% on the week) and 207 victims

Coronavirus Italy: today another 17,981 cases (-26.3% on the week) and 207 victims

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Coronavirus Italy: today another 17,981 cases (-26.3% on the week) and 207 victims


Cases currently positive, cured, deaths and total cases from first detection to date. New cases day by day


In Umbria there is a slight increase in hospitalizations, while the positives are down

After days of decline, the number of hospitalized for covid in Umbria returns to rise, albeit slightly, while the positive curve continues to decline. Another three deaths are to be recorded, bringing the total number of victims in Umbria since the beginning of the pandemic to 1,733. This is what emerges from the daily data on the progress of the pandemic released by the region. On the hospitalization front, there are currently 157 hospitalized in Umbrian hospitals, four more than yesterday. The number of people admitted to intensive care remained stable at six. In the last twenty-four hours, 311 new positives were detected, out of a total of 3,046 tests analyzed. The positivity rate was 10.2%. Compared to 427 recovered, the number of those currently positive is reduced by 119 units, reaching 9,417.

Agenas: intensive employment stops at 8%, three regions over 10%

In Italy, the employment of intensive care by Covid patients is still at 8% and, to exceed the alert threshold of 10%, are Marche (at 11%), Sardinia (12%) and Lazio (at 13%). %). While the occupancy of places in non-critical area hospital wards remains at 17% and all regions or autonomous provinces exceed the alert threshold of 15%, except Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Molise, Pa Trento, Pa Trento, Piedmont and Veneto . These are the monitoring data of the National Agency for Regional Health Services (Agenas), relative to February 27 and published today. In detail, compared to the previous day (February 26), the percentage of beds in intensive care occupied by patients with Covid-19 grows in Friuli Venezia Giulia (at 9%), Marche (11%) and Sardinia (12%), while it decreases in 7 regions: Basilicata (1%), Calabria (9%), Emilia Romagna (8%), Lazio (13%), Liguria (9%), Puglia (7%), Umbria (7%). The employment rate of the intensive is, on the other hand, stable in 11 regions and autonomous provinces.

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Marche, -25.5% cases in a week, +579 in 24 hours

The Marches close the seventh with 9,903 positive cases (incidence rate 660 per 100 thousand inhabitants), and a reduction of 25.5% compared to the previous week, when there were 13,139 cases (rate 875). This was announced by the Regional Epidemiological Observatory; 579 positives were detected in the last 24 hours, with the “Sunday effect”, when fewer cases are recorded because fewer swabs are analyzed. The incidence rate of 661.57 per 100 thousand inhabitants is slightly higher than yesterday (660.31). The new cases represent a positivity of 42.6% of the 1,358 swabs examined in the diagnostic path out of a total of 1,903 swabs. The subjects with symptoms are 205, the close contacts of positive cases 149, the domestic contacts117, the positives in the educational school setting 2, for 101 cases epidemiological investigations are in progress.

Molise, infections still decreasing in the last week

Molise today opens its third week in the yellow zone while all the numbers of the pandemic continue to drop. In the past week, 1,761 new infections were recorded against 2,065 in the previous seven days. The positivity rate also decreased from 13.3 percent last Monday to the current 12.7 (13,826 swabs were processed in the week). The number of currently positives goes from 7,205 to 6,580: there are 625 fewer than last Monday Covid patients in the region. Hospitalizations are also decreasing, from 31 to 27 (4 less). Intensive care has been halved, falling from 4 to 2. The number of victims has also decreased, which in the week were 5 compared to 8 the previous week. Finally, 2,357 were healed.

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