Home » “Export Champions” awards the leaders of the global markets

“Export Champions” awards the leaders of the global markets

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The pandemic year between 2020 and 2021, with the economic paralysis resulting from the prolonged lockdown, did not go badly for all the companies exporting Made in Italy products. The Ice – Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies – has identified the Oscar sectors of 2020, as regards exports: for example, rice to Germany, pasta to Japan and the United Kingdom, wine to South Korea and Holland and olive oil to France. In addition to pharmaceuticals and food, which have grown as sectors, there have been particularly positive export performances: electronic components to the United States, textile machinery to Turkey, plastics to China, footwear to Korea. of the South, to give some examples.

To highlight these excellences and to encourage the development of Italian exports with optimism, Il Sole 24 Ore and the international research company Statista have launched the announcement and the unprecedented research Campioni dell’Export 2022, the ranking of Italian companies that, in the different industrial sectors, are distinguished by their international activity.


The central role of exports in the recovery

After all, exports play a key role in the Italian economy, generating at least a quarter of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (half, according to some analyzes). The great hopes for the recovery of the economy are therefore strongly linked to exports. “The spirit of collaboration and collective resilience demonstrated in the most difficult months of the pandemic emergency – says the Ice Report – Prometeia 2021 – can find a meaning and a goal in relaunching internationalization, a growth in exports as a necessary condition for a industrial recovery which is, first of all, functional to a recovery of the levels of well-being threatened by the pandemic of the last year ». This last sentence of the Report on the evolution of Italian trade with foreign countries archives the annus horribilis 2020 – also for exports (-9.7% according to Istat) – and raises the hope for a sustained recovery in sales of made in Italy in 2021. “The NRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan, presented by Italy to access the huge European funds of the Next generation EU plan, ed) is a unique opportunity to build transversal skills oriented to the digital transition and the ecological transition, required as critical success factors, even on global markets, for all sectors of Made in Italy », declared – not surprisingly – the president of Ice, Carlo Maria Ferro, at the presentation of the Report. This is why Il Sole 24 Ore and Statista have dedicated the fourth joint initiative of analysis and interpretation of the Italian economic reality to exports, after Leader of growth, Leader of sustainability and Law firms of the year.

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The “Export Champions” call

Let’s see in detail how the new initiative works. It is possible to participate in Samples dell’export 2022 by registering by 31 July 2021 on the Statista website (www.statista.com/page/campioni-export). Alternatively, you can download the questionnaire and send it online (at this link: https://survey.statista-research.com/262716?lang=it). An email address has also been activated for information: [email protected].

The Italian companies with the 2020 turnover most strongly characterized by export activities, as a percentage of turnover, will be included in the 2022 Export Champions ranking which will be widely disseminated. The goal is to identify the companies, in the various industrial sectors, which most of all export internationally.

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