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Ukraine Russia, news on today’s war

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Ukraine Russia, news on today’s war

The tenth day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has closed, the forces of Moscow continue to besiege the southern port of Mariupol. The capital Kiev remains under Ukrainian control as well as Kharkiv to the east, despite the heavy Russian bombing that is hitting the country almost everywhere. Russian forces took Kherson in the south and surrounded the urban centers of the region. The 5-hour truce to allow the creation of humanitarian corridors was in fact not respected by the Russian forces which continued to bomb the areas of Mariupol and Volnovakha. “The corpses lie uncollected and the people hiding in the shelters are running out of food,” said a Ukrainian deputy from Volnovakha. However, NATO and the US have reiterated that the no fly zone will not exist. A position that according to Zelensky is equivalent to giving the ok to bombing. Meanwhile, Moscow tightens on the media, to obscure the narrative on the war. Independent information is strangled to make room for propaganda and Putin threatens the West: “The sanctions are a declaration of war” and asks for the list of “guilty” countries to be drawn up.

Live updates hour by hour

00.05 – Blinken arrived in Moldova
Secretary of State Antony Blinken, after his stop in Poland, arrived in Moldova as a sign of support in the face of the increase of refugees from Ukraine fleeing the Russian invasion and against the background of the fears of this small and poor former republic Soviet Union to fall under the threat of Moscow, which already controls the breakaway region of Transnistria.

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00.00 – Msf: catastrophic situation in Mariupol
The humanitarian situation in the port city of Mariupol in southern Ukraine is “catastrophic” and it is essential that civilians are evacuated immediately. This was stated by Laurent Ligozat, emergency coordinator of Doctors Without Borders in Ukraine. The city, which is located near the border with Russia, has been besieged by Moscow forces and the ceasefire expected today to allow civilians to leave has not materialized. “It is imperative that this humanitarian corridor, which could have been created today but has not been built due to non-compliance with the ceasefire, be put in place very quickly to allow the civilian population, women and children, to get out of this city, Ligozat told France Presse, “the situation is catastrophic and is getting worse every day.”

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