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Low on the new Hyundai in search of the fifth flag

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He is the reigning Italian champion, but this year he starts without certainties. Giandomenico Basso has been in Tuscany since Wednesday and from today he will not take prisoners to start this Italian in the best possible way, at the start as usual at the Rally del Ciocco. Garfagnana will be the first test of the season: who will win between Giando, Crugnola, Andolfi and Albertini? They are the announced protagonists of the championship, and watch out for the outsiders. Among these, the names of Damiano De Tommaso stand out, very fast but so far a little behind the former, and of the Tuscan Tommaso Ciuffi. However, it is unlikely that they can really worry the leading group. Everyone’s eyes will be on the “magnificent four”, and a lot of attention will have to be paid to Crugnola which this year returns to the Citroen C3 Rally2 after two years of having won the championship on a Double Chevron car. Giando will get on the car with which the Varese rider last year: the new Hyundai i20 Rally2 will be a complex and therefore fascinating challenge. Last year Crugnola struggled and today Basso does not start as favorite, but the cavasotto has already shown in the past that he is able to bring out the best especially when he seems to start a step below the others. This is why he doesn’t even think about making any predictions, limiting himself to noting how the challenge between the four top drivers announces those not to be missed: “On Wednesday we did a test, but we struggled a bit: the road was broken and with a lot of grip, therefore not very suitable for simulating the conditions we will find in the race. It could not have been done otherwise, we and Friulmotor closed the agreement only a few weeks ago. We will optimize what is there, it’s not a problem », says the four-time tricolor. The first points will already be awarded today: the first three times on the Sassorosso special (shortened for the occasion from 7 to 2 km) will take from three to one point. Last year those points proved to be fundamental, because it was precisely by winning the Power Stage of the 2 Valli Rally that Giando was then able to bring the Italian home. Tomorrow will be the highlight of the race, with 90 km timed. Basso has already won four times here, but this year there are really too many news to make predictions. –

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Niccolò Budoia

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