Home » Volleyball, the redemption of Prosecco Doc Imoco: comeback and victory against Scandicci

Volleyball, the redemption of Prosecco Doc Imoco: comeback and victory against Scandicci

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Volleyball, the redemption of Prosecco Doc Imoco: comeback and victory against Scandicci

Conegliano returns to success after the Monza knockout: down 0-1 against Savino del Bene (back from 12 victories in the last 13), great comeback up to 3-1. And now there is the Champions League against Monza

VILLORBA. Wanted, labored and conquered and for this reason even more beautiful. The victory over Scandicci is an excellent encouragement in view of Wednesday’s match in Monza for the Champions League. The panthers remain in the wake of the Brianza and Novara, which in turn have won three points in the standings. It was the reaction that was needed, even if it wasn’t easy at all.

Santarelli starts with the same sextet from Novara (Wolosz, Egonu, Folie, De Kruijf, Courtne, Plummer and De Gennaro) and the start is not very comforting, so much so that after a few exchanges it is necessary. After three batting errors, Egonu’s ace leads to 9-10. On the other hand, however, Antropova lights up with two powerful attacks, followed by a fast on the bar by De Kruijf (9-13). The same Dutch redeems herself immediately after, served with an excellent first half by Wolosz. Three imperious walls of the Gialloblù lead to the first parity at an altitude of 14. Still too much enthusiasm in attack with the errors of Egonu (29% efficiency) and Folie give the cue for the Tuscan extension to which Conegliano is unable to respond. Antropova’s ace on De Gennaro is the stamp of the set.

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After making ten point errors, the panthers get back on track finding more normal percentages. The only one who remains out of sight is Courtney, replaced in the middle of the set by Sylla also for the rotation on the front line. Antropova remains a thorn in the side, Pietrini also climbs who finds another winning service on Moki. The score remains balanced and also revitalizes the large audience, which increases the decibels when Egonu takes the chair, in the best version of him. Attacks, walls, even a defense trigger the escape attempt on 20-16. Sylla is in great shape and closes two diagonals of hers. On the other side Lippmann enters and Conegliano continues to suffer in the service, still taking aces from Antropova and Lubian. At 22-21 replies, almost alone, a revived Plummer.

The American remains on the shield even at the start of the third set, where, however, some free errors return that grants the 4-7 to Scandicci. Fortunately, the reaction comes immediately and Folie’s wall on Pietrini is worth 9-10. With patience and greater attention to the wall, also taking advantage of some mistakes of the guests, the Prosecco Doc Imoco overturns the score from 11-14 to 20-16. Alberti passes twice in the first half, but Folie responds on his par. Lubian and Pietrini try, but now Conegliano has run away.

Pietrini, Lubian and Alberti continue to anticipate the Conegliano wall, Natalia finds two winning attacks and the errors of the panthers return (7-12). The panthers find a first break at 11-14 and two more consecutive ones at 18-19. Scandicci is reached at 21 by Sylla’s wall, which then arches for the point of the yellow-blue advantage. The final point is also his, which gives great confidence in view of the European match on Wednesday.

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