Home » Seasonal fruits and vegetables in March: properties and benefits

Seasonal fruits and vegetables in March: properties and benefits

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Seasonal fruits and vegetables in March: properties and benefits

Each season has its own “magic” pigments and, with the beginning of March, sunlight causes white to green food to develop. This is how the first ones begin to appear on the market stalls asparagusbut also wild herbs such as dandelions, and agretti.

In addition, there are still artichokes, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, black cabbage, savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts, leeks, turnip greens, ribs, sauerkraut, fennel, endive, lettuce, radicchio, turnips, radishes, salsify, celery, spinach, pumpkin.

What do many of these foods have in common? They are ideal to bring to the table in the diet of the month of March to purify and promote the drainage of excess fluids with the aim of helping the kidneys and liver – organs subjected to greater stress in change of season – and, at the same time, to protect and strengthen the body from the last illnesses of the season thanks to the vitamin C contained.

The vegetables of March


These vegetables contain a large amount of potassium and asparagine: both of which help the kidneys in diuresis.


They protect the liver from infections and improve its functionality. Thanks to their bitter taste, they therefore behave like real hepatoprotectors and help the regeneration of liver cells. In addition, they contain potassium and a good amount of fiber, useful for promoting the purification of the body.


It is an elective remedy in the treatment of functional digestive and renal problems, capable of stimulating the production of gastric juices, the excretion of bile from the liver, and of exercising a diuretic and mildly laxative activity. Due to its strong purifying action (thanks to the elimination of toxins and metabolic waste) it is used in the classic detoxifying spring treatments (often combined with Chicory, Artichoke and Milk Thistle) “.


they have a diuretic action and stimulate intestinal transit, thanks to the presence of fibers. These characteristics, combined with the large presence of water and a very low energy content (calories), make the agretti of foods particularly suitable for spring slimming diets, also because they increase the feeling of satiety without weighing it down.


Very rich in beta-carotene, help the body to fight the formation of free radicals, the main causes of cellular degeneration, and promote eye health, especially night vision. In addition, carrot strengthens the immune system and consuming it daily reduces the risk of contracting tumors, especially of the colon.


They are really useful winter vegetables for purify and deflate the body. In fact, they contain a substance called anethole, which has a digestive, carminative (reduces intestinal gas and waist dilation) and muscle relaxant action (useful in case of cramps and spasms, relaxes striated muscles).

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Very rich in fiber, in particular inulin, endive is a good source of potassium, iron, calcium and vitamins (including vitamin C and B vitamins). Thanks to the high percentage of water and the low presence of sodium, it represents a purifying and diuretic food.


The leek is a vegetable rich in water (more than 90%), low in calories and therefore to be used often if, in this season, you need to follow a dieta detox. Its “gentle” fibers, which do not attack the intestine, make it an ideal food to stimulate intestinal transit.

Swiss chard

Swiss chard are distinguished by their content in Vitamin A and above all vitamin C, essential for the elasticity of the skin and capillaries, for the nervous system and psychological functions, for the immune system and as an antioxidant against oxidative stress. In addition to fiber, there are also iron, iodine, magnesium, potassium and calcium, which are vital for bone health and of the teeth, muscles, circulatory and digestive systems.


It is made up of 90% water, which makes it strongly saziante, but at the same time it has very few calories, although it has a hyperglycemic function, and almost no fat. Vitamins and mineral salts – in particular vitamin K, potassium, magnesium and calcium – contained in its pulp help keep us fit, fighting cellulite and water retention and stimulating diuresis. Furthermore, its beta-carotene, in addition to improving the complexion of the skin and enhances the immune system since it stimulates the production of T lymphocytes. This vegetable, finally, considering the presence of vitamin B2 useful for twilight vision, can be considered an effective aid for sight and for the prevention of cataracts, as well as being a very important antioxidant for cancer prevention.


Also called red turnips, thanks to the presence of betaina, a water-soluble pigment that gives them their characteristic color, beets are very rich in fiber and mineral salts such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium; facilitate digestion, liver functioning, lower cholesterol and are recommended for anemici. Due to the considerable presence of oxalic acid, they are not suitable for those suffering from kidney stones.


As well as all the other plants of the family of crucifere, they are good for health, but compared to cabbage, savoy cabbage, radishes, cauliflower, rocket and others, it seems that broccoli has even enhanced properties. Suffice it to say that, compared to cauliflowers, they have a higher content of proteins, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and sulfur.

Broccoli is also very rich in sulforafanocapable of acting againstHelicobacter pylori, bacterium responsible for gastric diseases when it is present in the stomach. But their beneficial actions on the gastrointestinal system do not end there: ideal for stimulating intestinal transit, due to the presence of fibers, broccoli are purifying, remineralizing and promoting tissue regeneration, as well as being an effective weapon for prevention. of arthritis and osteoarthritis.

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In this vegetable there is an optimal balance of iodine, phosphorus, iron and vitamin C, substances that facilitate the intestinal absorption of calcium and its precipitation in the bone structure. Excellent, therefore, for those who follow a diet for osteoporosis. Often confused with cabbage, cabbage actually contains a lower amount of chlorophyll, salts and fibers, so it can be offered both cooked and raw. It has a diuretic action thanks to its lower content of salts, fibers and vegetable proteins and has a soothing effect on the inflamed gastric mucosa. In addition, like all vegetables of the cruciferous family, it possesses an antitumor action due to the presence of dithiol-thione. Finally, the digestibility of raw cabbage is higher than that of cabbage also because – unlike the latter – it can be associated with lemon juice and is pleasant from an organoleptic point of view.


Valid source of carotenoids, vitamins C, E, K, folic acid, fiber and lutein, the presence of these nutrients makes spinach an ideal vegetable for those who are in conditions of obesity and overweightconstipation, cardiovascular diseases, vision health.


A great source of vitamin C, radicchio is also very rich in antioxidants called anthocyanins, useful for maintaining the health of blood vessels and, in general, the cardiovascular system. The presence of water e fibremoreover, it makes this food ideal for those who suffer from slowed intestinal transit. Low in sodium and rich in water, it is also diuretic and purifying.

Brussels sprouts

In addition to vitamin C, they also contain vitamin A and carotenoids, which help protect eyesight and vitamin E, an ally of skin health. Thanks to their sinigrin, they can represent an effective weapon for defend against tumorswhile the di-indolyl-methane contained in them is an immunomodulator that exerts an antibacterial and antiviral action.


With its large amount of fiber, cauliflower is an ally of bowel health also useful for controlling the absorption of cholesterol and sugars. Additionally, a diet rich in cauliflower can help prevent cancer thanks to fiber and other compounds, such as sulforaphane and some sterols. On the other hand, di-indole-methane seems to exert an immunomodulatory, antibacterial and antiviral action.

The fruit of March


Kiwis are important sources of potassium, fiber and antioxidants, especially vitamin C. This vitamin is useful for neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells and their DNA and promote the development of inflammation and tumors, as well as protecting the immune system. . Fruits particularly useful in winter, therefore, which protect us from colds, coughs and other seasonal ailments.

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Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, a substance useful for promoting the proper functioning of the immune system and fighting inflammation. It also contains naringenin or naringin, a flavonoid bitter with antioxidant and hypocholesterolemic properties.


It is believed that cedar is a real concentrate of medicinal potential. Considered a precious source of minerals and vitamin C, it provides molecules with antioxidant properties, but due to its unpleasant taste, it is rarely used fresh. Taken in herbal teas, on the other hand, it helps stimulate intestinal transit, helps digest and fight a swollen belly. In addition, it is sometimes recommended against cystitis and to stimulate hair growth.


They are very rich in vitamin C, considered a powerful antioxidant capable of supporting the immune system, counteracting the damage caused by free radicals and preventing cellular aging. Those redin particular, it seems that, compared to other citrus fruits, they contain about 40% more of the precious vitamin, which – among other actions – also boasts the ability to detoxify the bodyprevent cardiovascular disease, protect the stomach from ulcer and gastritis, and increase iron assimilation.


Like all citrus fruits, they are rich in vitamin C. Among other substances, they also contain a certain amount of fiber, but still less than other fruits. This is why mandarins induce a less sense of satietywith the consequent risk of consuming quantities that bring higher amounts of sugars than those recommended.


They possess a valuable fiber called pectin which helps to regularize intestinal function and give a pleasant and satisfying feeling of satiety. In addition, apples are able to keep blood values ​​under control as well cholesterol and the fermentation of pectin by the microorganisms that populate the intestinal microbiota appears to have a protective effect on the development of colon cancer.


Thanks to the great content of potassium, pears prove to be ideal foods for those who must follow a low-sodium diet, such as hypertensive people and those suffering from stones and kidney disorders. They are very digestible and do not cause allergies: also for this reason they are among the first fruits introduced during the weaning of children, which can use pears to support their metabolism and growth. The presence of biological water, fiber, fructose and glucose also contributes to improving intestinal transit in those who suffer from constipation, especially if consumed very mature. On the contrary, due to the presence of tannins, if very unripe they can be useful in cases of dysentery. Also perfect for weight loss.

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