Home Ā» If you wake up suddenly every night to go to the bathroom it could be the first sign of this dangerous cancer

If you wake up suddenly every night to go to the bathroom it could be the first sign of this dangerous cancer

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If you wake up suddenly every night to go to the bathroom it could be the first sign of this dangerous cancer

Waking up every night to go to the bathroom is not only an unfortunate inconvenience that can happen, it can also be a wake-up call for your prostate health.

The prostate cancer it is among the most common types of cancer in men and is also extremely dangerous, as it is a silent disease that does not show itself until it has progressed. (Also Read: Prostate Cancer: Too Many Selenium and Vitamin E Supplements Would Increase Your Risk)

In the study published in the academic journal Quality of Life Research 620 men with prostate cancer were interviewed to assess the frequency with which they urinate at night, a phenomenon also known by the name nocturia. Of the men surveyed, 8% did not report suffering from nocturia, while 32% said they get up once every night to go to the bathroom and 59% said they get up twice or more. There nocturia however, it not only negatively affects urinary function, but also intestinal and sexual function. According to the research team the nocturia it could be a sign of a growing tumor putting pressure on the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder.

So, if you notice that you need to pee often, especially in the middle of the night, you should go to the doctor for a more thorough checkup.

According to the AIRC Foundation, the people most at risk are men over 50 and especially men who have a blood relative (father or brother) who suffers from the disease. The most common symptoms besides the nocturia turn out to be:

  • difficulty urinating;
  • need to urinate often;
  • pain when urinating;
  • blood in the urine or semen;
  • feeling of not being able to urinate completely.
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Other symptoms that do not concern the urine can be:

  • back pain, hip pain, or pain in the pelvis;
  • difficulty maintaining an erection;
  • unexplained weight loss.

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Source: Quality of Life Research

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