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Diet changes to lower cholesterol in a month

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Diet changes to lower cholesterol in a month

There are some very useful changes you can make to your diet to try to lower your bad cholesterol level in no time.

Spoon with spices (Pexels)

The problem of having the cholesterol bad blood high is widespread and can occur more frequently and easily after age 50. This does not prevent it from happening even earlier. There are several factors that can contribute. First of all, the cause is an incorrect dietary habit, but it can also significantly affect the genetic predisposition and some drugs, such as the pill.

High levels of bad cholesterol, triglycerides and, consequently, total cholesterol, can lead to completely blocking the arteries and preventing the passage of blood and oxygen to the heart and brain. It is very easy to understand the gravity of this situation. Therefore, it is advisable to have periodic checks, at least once a year with a simple blood test. Also, follow your doctor’s directions for lowering cholesterol if not normal.

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Your doctor may prescribe medications and then make changes to your diet, or have you go directly to a nutritionist. It is essential to rely on professionals and not to do it yourself for the sake of your health. There are, however, some elements of the diet that will surely need to be changed in the way we explain below.

Diet: Changes to Lower Cholesterol

Variety of fruits and vegetables (Adobe Stock)

Some useful changes to be made to the diet to try to keep the level of bad cholesterol in the normal range are the following:

  • Decrease the salt and increase the spices: salt is a great enemy of blood pressure and high cholesterol, therefore, in the diet it should be minimized. However, to flavor foods you can safely use any type of spice available: pepper, parsley, oregano, chilli, ginger, garlic. All these foods and aromatic herbs are real panacea for health because they act on different aspects;
  • Increase your fiber intake: this means that you have to opt for several portions a day of vegetables, fruit, but also legumes. In addition to the benefits for the intestine and circulation, the fibers make you feel full, in this way you will avoid completely harmful snacks;
  • Avoid saturated fats: it is saturated fats that help raise cholesterol and increase plaque in blood vessels. Instead, you have to choose healthy, polyunsaturated fats;
  • Eat blue fish: an example of good fats is found in blue fish, such as salmon and tuna. These are rich in omega 3;
  • Take a glass of lemon juice every day: accustoming the body, according to what has been believed for many years from generation to generation, to receive the substances contained in lemon can decrease the level of total cholesterol.
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In addition to these small changes to the diet, always in agreement with a specialist, it is important to find time during the day to relax and take long walks.

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