Home » La Stampa journalist Simonetta Conti died in Turin and invented “Knowing how to spend”

La Stampa journalist Simonetta Conti died in Turin and invented “Knowing how to spend”

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La Stampa journalist Simonetta Conti died in Turin and invented “Knowing how to spend”

Simonetta Conti died. She was 79 years old. She leaves her husband Piercarlo, an 82-year-old businessman. A protagonist of Turin and Italian journalistic history goes with her due to the influence that La Stampa by Giulio De Benedetti and his Cronaca Torinese led by Ferruccio Borio, Simonetta’s father, had on the panorama national.

To the young people of the Liceo Alfieri who, in the last few years spent in the editorial office in via Marenco before retiring in 2000, he welcomed to La Stampa to tell the newspaper, he told how much having been the daughter of the news editor rather than favoring her, had made her somehow hindered by forcing her to do quite a bit of abuse before getting a regular contract. Abuse that he had spent helping his father’s deputy, Gabriella Poli, to make articles of costume and domestic economics which, later on, became the “Knowing how to spend” column, an absolute novelty in the information landscape as well as, since 1955 , it was “Mirror of the Times”, a column open to readers’ letters, a sort of social ante litteram.

A column that appeared once a week, it occupied two complete columns of the City breaking latest news which, at that time, was placed on pages 2 and 3 of the newspaper, and was signed only “Simonetta” so that there was no confusion with the powerful father. And throughout her life, she always signed her articles with her husband’s surname: Conti.

Simonetta, at a time when TV was an experiment and the Internet not even a dream, thus became part of the large group of women who, in that breaking latest news, followed topics such as Health (Gabriella Poli who later took over from Ferruccio Borio left the press in 1977 and became the first female reporter in Italy), the Municipality entrusted to Bona Alterocca, Annarosa Girola Gallesio who took care of the union, Maria Valabrega of school and university and, in fact, Simonetta who with “Saper spending “taught how to cook refined and popular recipes, to make wise purchases, bringing to the fore personalities who have accompanied more than one generation of Turinese. An example for everyone: Bianca delle conserve, as a lady from Biella was known who was very skilled in making preserves and to whom thousands of housewives contacted through Simonetta’s column. Another world. Simonetta, who retired after having held the role of deputy news editor of Giampiero Paviolo, who died at the age of 55, continued to write her column for many more years. The funeral on Friday morning at the crematorium of the monumental cemetery. – © breaking latest news.

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