Home » Minimum wage, Salvini immediately freezes Meloni: “It cannot be done by law”

Minimum wage, Salvini immediately freezes Meloni: “It cannot be done by law”

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Minimum wage, Salvini immediately freezes Meloni: “It cannot be done by law”

Meloni tries to negotiate on the minimum wage, but Salvini stops everything

“I have proposed to the oppositions to start a serious confrontation in the forum responsible for doing so by the Constitution, namely the Cnel. A quick comparison, to be concluded in 60 days with a concrete proposal on the subject of ‘poor work’, not only on the minimum wage. With this method and a certain roadmap, we can arrive before the Budget law at a bill shared with the social partners, an effective text, based on real data, which can truly respond to those looking for a job and to those who are looking for it. ‘has but it is not enough for a dignified life.

Since taking office, the government has shown that the priority of its action is the defense of Italian wages and income“, recalls the Prime Minister. “We have dedicated a large part of the available resources to cutting the tax wedge and strengthening the purchasing power of families”. And “this will be the line we will follow in the next budget law, to which we are already working. Every proposal that goes in this direction, that of income and work, merit and equity, finds our hearing, we have no ideological prejudices, we are pragmatic”.

But as Corriere della Sera explains, “Matteo Salvini freezes the already difficult dialogue by issuing definitive closing statements on the instrument proposed by the minorities: “Never a minimum wage by law, it would favor only some”. And the mediation sought by Meloni then? «A government must listen to everyone, we are listening to taxi drivers, beach resorts, trade unions. It’s also right to listen to the opposition, but if they don’t change their minds about anything, it’s our duty to carry on”.

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Again according to the Corriere della Sera, “the League’s position is not far from that of its government allies. For Lucio Malan of Fratelli d’Italia “The minimum wage is the wrong answer to a right problem.” The right answer is given by Paolo Barelli, group leader of Forza Italia: «The direction taken by the government follows the proposal of our party. Strengthen collective bargaining”.

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