Home » Football on TV: Champions, Real Madrid-Psg

Football on TV: Champions, Real Madrid-Psg

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Football on TV: Champions, Real Madrid-Psg

Real Madrid-Paris Saint Germain is the big match of the Champions League evening, a match broadcast exclusively by Amazon Prime.

The evening opens at 8pm from Madrid with Giulia Mizzoni who introduces the meeting with Clarence Seedorf, Julio Cesar and Luca Toni.

At 9 pm the match starts with the commentary of one of the best couples of the ether, Sandro Piccinini flanked by Massimo Ambrosini as commentator while Alessia Tarquinio and Alessandro Alciato are busy between the sidelines and the grandstand.

At the end, appointment with the highlights of the two Champions League evenings with Marco Cattaneo who converses with Bernardo Corradi and Claudio Marchisio.

SKY. The pay TV broadcasts the match between Manchester City and Sporting Lisbon at 9 pm on Sky Sport One, with Paolo Ciarravano at the microphone with Nando Orsi at the technical comment and Filippo Benincampi sent on the match.

Prologue from 20 with “Champions League Live” with Anna Billò hosting Paolo Condò, Fabio Capello, Esteban Cambiasso, Alessandro Costacurta.

MEDIASET INFINITY. The platform of the Milanese group broadcasts in streaming from 21 Manchester City-Sporting Lisbon, to the story Massimo Callegari with Roberto Cravero second voice. At the end in the studio Benedetta Radaelli summarizes the evening with Stefano Sorrentino, Alessio Tacchinardi and Graziano Cesari.

YOU LISTEN. There were 5 million and 121 thousand viewers tuned last night to Channel 5 for Liverpool-Inter. Thanks to football, the Mediaset flagship network won the evening.

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