Home » Spread at the pump: here’s how to cushion the sting from expensive gasoline with savings of up to 300 euros

Spread at the pump: here’s how to cushion the sting from expensive gasoline with savings of up to 300 euros

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Spread at the pump: here’s how to cushion the sting from expensive gasoline with savings of up to 300 euros
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From day to day, the full tank of petrol is becoming more and more difficult for Italians (and not only that, in the United States the price at the pump has reached its highest since 2008). Yesterday, petrol in self-service mode reached 1,953 euros per liter, beating the previous record of 10 September 2012 when it surged up to 1.89 euros. “Since the beginning of the year, in just over two months, a liter of petrol has risen by over 23 cents, + 13.6%, equal to 11 euros and 68 cents for a full tank of 50 liters, 280 euros on an annual basis , a liter of diesel has increased by over 24 cents, + 15.4%, 12 euros and 20 cents per refueling, equivalent to 293 euros per year “remarked Massimiliano Dona, president of theNational Consumers Unionbased on the study conducted on the weekly and monthly data of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

Fuel prices: year-to-date and 12-month comparison

Looking at the last 12 months, from the survey a year ago (March 8, 2021), when petrol was 1,550 euros per liter and diesel fuel was 1,421 euros per liter, a 50-liter tank costs 20 euros and 17 cents more. for petrol and 20 and 41 for diesel, with a rise of 26% and 28.7% respectively. A sting, on an annual basis, equal to 484 euros for gasoline and 490 for diesel.

Year to date



(€ / 1000 liters)



(€ / 1000 liters)

Increase % Difference

in euros x full of 50 liters

every year

Annual inflation

(in EUR)


GAS 1.719,59 1953,14 13,6 11,68 280,26
DIESEL 1.585,32 1829,33 15,4 12,20 292,81
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Source: National Consumers Union on Mite data

(a) in the hypothesis of 2 full tanks of fuel per month

Here’s how to counter the price increases at the pump

What can be done to tackle expensive fuel? In the hope that international tensions over oil supplies resulting from Russia’s war against Ukraine will fade away, the only way is to manage mobility more accurately and also keep an eye on where to get petrol. Last weekend along the SR435, the former state road 435 Lucchese that winds from Lucca to Pistoia, what stands out is the accentuation of a phenomenon that we can rename as the spread at the pump, that is the price differential between the various service stations. Traveling along the stretch from Lucca to Montecatini we came across numerous refueling stations with prices that well exceeded 2 euros per liter for petrol (peak at 2.069 euros in self-service mode in Lucca city) and 1.9 for diesel; however, there was no shortage of ‘occasions’ including a couple of colonnine low cost which, on the outskirts of Lucca, had a price of 1.819 euros.

How to translate this spread into savings? Just go and identify the cheapest distributors, using for example the various Apps that indicate the prices of gasoline in your vicinity, thus counteracting the expensive fuel. Doing a quick math, one spread at the pump of 0.25 euros per literlike what we found between the cheapest and the most expensive gas station attendants on the SR435, means a difference in the pockets of Italians. 12.5 euros each full tank (from 50 liters). Extending this potential savings over 12 months with 2 full per month, it is d300 euros less a year, more than the 280 euros estimated by the UNC as an increase on an annual basis following the price increases since the beginning of the year.

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