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Flexitariana, the flexible diet that makes you lose 4 kg in ten days

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Flexitariana, the flexible diet that makes you lose 4 kg in ten days

As its name suggests, the Flexitarian Diet is a flexible diet, based mainly on vegetarian foods (80%) but which also leaves some space for the moderate consumption of animal proteins (meat, fish, milk and eggs), high quality and zero km, with a view to sustainability for the body and for nature. The Flexitarian Diet promises to lose 3 to 4 pounds in 10 days. To have conceived it in 2008, and reported in his book “The Felxitarian DietWas the American nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner who underlined how this diet does not condemn the consumption of animal proteins and its derivatives, but only their abuse. And this is not so much for ethical reasons as for health reasons.

After having depopulated in the US especially among celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Paul Mc Cartney and Meghan Markle, who have declared that they have revolutionized their lifestyle by adopting the Fexitarian Diet, it has also landed in Europe. But how is this diet structured and what are its benefits? We talked about it with Dr. Daniela Vitiello, nutritionist biologist.

Dr. Vitiello, on which principles is the Flexitarian Diet based?

“The Flexitariana is a semi-vegetarian diet that favors the consumption of fruit, vegetables, legumes and whole grains without, however, completely excluding foods of animal origin”.

What are its goals and benefits?

“The benefits are different, not only in terms of health, but also in terms of environmental impact. This type of diet is aimed at maintaining or achieving a good state of health. In this way, weight loss becomes a consequence, while maintaining a healthy and balanced approach. In any case, those who are not in good health and / or are following certain therapies, should consult a health professional before starting it “.

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How is it structured?

“This diet provides an energy requirement of 1500 calories per day, divided as follows: 300 for breakfast, 400 for lunch, 150 for morning and afternoon breaks, and 500 for dinner”.

You can choose between several flexitarian levels.

“Yes, there are three:

  • BASE: it is the level to start, during which you begin to reduce animal proteins and eliminate them completely for at least 2 days a week.
  • ADVANCED: if the first phase went well, you can start neglecting animal proteins and especially meat for at least 3 or 4 days a week.
  • EXPERT: whoever reaches this level can be defined as a true flexitarian who manages to almost completely renounce meat, consuming it only sporadically “.

Which foods does it favor and which ones does it ban?

“The foods allowed are seasonal fruits and vegetables, whole grains (richer in fiber than refined ones), legumes, seeds such as flax, pumpkin, sesame, etc., rich in omega 3 and omega 6. industrial foods, sweets and limited consumption of foods of animal origin “.

Could you give us an example of a flexitarian diet?

“Here’s a typical day:

  • Breakfast: vegetable yogurt with buckwheat or barley flakes, pumpkin seeds, red fruits and a coffee.
  • Snack: a citrus juice or a sugar-free herbal tea.
  • Lunch: risotto with radicchio and walnuts, mixed steamed or pan-fried vegetables, a fruit.
  • Snack: a fresh fruit or dried fruit Dinner: swordfish in a pan with a mix of cooked vegetables and mixed salad, bread “.

To which subjects is this diet not recommended?

“It is not recommended for people with irritable bowel problems or other diseases affecting the intestinal system”.

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* These are generic tips that need to be contextualized as appropriate!

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