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The Pros and Cons of Becoming a Physician

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A career in the healthcare sector is an admirable goal for aspiring professionals. It covers a wide range of potential jobs, including nurses, doctors, caretakers, surgeons, anesthesiologists, and more. Most of the categories that fall within the healthcare industry require a high level of education, but they can also provide great pay in return.

Perhaps you are considering a career as a physician. Physicians are medical professionals who work directly with patients. They diagnose illnesses and injuries to prescribe treatment. They also provide direction for ongoing health maintenance. If they notice health concerns within a patient, they may order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests to determine what exactly is going wrong.

While a career as a physician can be rewarding, it is also very challenging, both to enter the field and to sustain a long career. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of this type of healthcare role.

Pro: Great Salaries

One of the most appealing aspects of becoming a physician is the type of pay you can access. Though many factors will affect how much you can make as a provider, the average salary in the United States for a doctor is almost $300,000. Some of the factors that will determine that number include location, experience, number of patients, and the type of practice that employs you. 

Con: Years of Education

You cannot earn that amazing salary described above without putting in the work in school. You could spend up to 15 years in training, between four years of undergraduate studies, four years of graduate studies, and even more years in residency. The process of becoming a doctor is long and arduous because people’s lives are in your hands, so you need to have a lot of knowledge about how to take care of their various needs. 

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Pro: Rewarding Work

As a physician, you will be in a role that consistently helps people with their health. Advising people on how to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, diagnosing illnesses, and monitoring their wellness objectives can all provide plenty of satisfaction as you guide them toward a longer and happier life. In some cases, the work you do will even be life-saving. 

Con: Long Hours and Burnout

Physicians are often required to work very long hours, especially in the early years of their careers. Spending so much time expending mental and physical energy can be exhausting, especially when you add the weight of witnessing people who are suffering. Having a bedside manner is also important for doctors so that they have positive relationships with patients, but maintaining this attitude is also tiring. Fortunately, the high salary makes it possible to retire earlier, saving you from long-term burnout. 

Pro: High Demand for Jobs

The market for physicians is alive and well. People will always need help pursuing their health objectives and maintaining wellness, which means there will always be a need for physicians. While it is not necessarily easy to find a job as a physician, you are likely to find that the market has many opportunities in this profession. If you struggle to find any openings, you could reach out to physician job recruiters that can connect you to practices around the country. 

Con: High Pressure

There are few high-pressure jobs out there that are as intense as physician roles. Since people’s lives are in your hands, the slightest mistake could lead to serious health problems in a patient. This could open you up to the possibility of losing your license or being the defendant in a lawsuit. The high pressure of this job can easily get to you, especially the more time you spend as a practitioner. There is also the possibility of dealing with difficult patients and families, which makes the job even more stressful on top of the pressure. 

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Pro: Status

Although the perception of others should not be the main motivation for choosing a career path, it is a benefit that comes with the role of a physician. When people know that you are a doctor, they understand your commitment to years of schooling and caring for others. This earns you a level of respect, just as much as having “Dr” at the beginning of your name. 

The Verdict: A Physician Needs Passion and Commitment to Thrive

Deciding whether becoming a physician is worth it is completely up to the individual. If you are passionate about providing others with care and helping save lives, then perhaps becoming a doctor is the right path for you. However, you will have to be entirely committed to the objective. Medical school is expensive, and years of education will result in a massive amount of loan debt. Finishing your degree and residency is the only way to earn enough money to pay back those loans. 

If you want to thrive as a physician and you decide that the pros are worth the cons, then make sure you are passionate and committed.

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