Home » Elachem aims for the Cup with some ailments From today the Final Eight

Elachem aims for the Cup with some ailments From today the Final Eight

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Elachem aims for the Cup with some ailments From today the Final Eight

Vigevano on the field (ball at two hours 13) against Cremona Piazza fears above all Bona and the former Omnia Pavia Nasello


Today at 13 Elachem Vigevano will debut in the Italian Cup against Cremona in Roseto degli Abruzzi in the first of the three days of the final eight cup, which are reserved for the top two teams in the standings at the end of the first round in each round of the Serie B championship. basketball. Elachem arrives at the appointment with the quarter-finals, back from two defeats. To go to the semifinals he will have to beat Cremona in the one-off match. It is not an easy time for the ducals who have some physical ailment.

two heavy absences

«We are not in the best of form – says coach Paolo Piazza – we have the usual two players with physical problems, namely Gatti and Procacci, who also missed the match against Pavia. Since then he has been a bit better and has also had a check-up, but due to the various physical problems he has had in recent months he has not trained since December. We are also managing Gatti’s physical problems ». After the defeats against Empoli and Pavia, Elachem is now thinking about the Italian Cup. The first challenge is against Cremona, a team that the ducals met in the Super Cup in September and managed to beat.

«We live the Italian Cup – says coach Piazza – match by match. We meet Cremona which is a team that is definitely in shape. On Sunday they beat the first in the Cividale standings. We take the field against a formation that has players of great value. This is the case of the former Pavia Nasello, who plays as a fake pivot, but also of Preti, who has punished us on several occasions in recent years. And then there is Bona who is a quality player that we also met last season. We know that they have a great physical intensity and that they change on all blocks ».

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in testa i play off

At this moment, however, it is also important for the yellow and blue to manage the period that will lead the team to the playoffs. «We have two months – explains the coach from Vigevano – to better prepare for the playoffs and to try to get there with maximum concentration. In this period we have to work with the utmost concentration ». Vigevano is currently still in first place in the league table, with two points clear of the direct rivals San Miniato and Omegna. Despite the last two defeats, the ducals retain a margin of advantage over their pursuers. In the final eight of the Italian Cup there will also be San Miniato, which for a long time was first in the standings on equal points with the ducal team. The eventual semifinal will be tomorrow at 1pm. The final will be Sunday at 4.30pm. –

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