Home » The University of Zurich studies the real Opitergine dialect

The University of Zurich studies the real Opitergine dialect

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The University of Zurich studies the real Opitergine dialect

The center of Oderzo

The research coordinated by Professor Gardani of the Swiss university involves citizens. On the Municipality website, questions and audio files to recognize the expressions used in the area

ODERZO. The University of Zurich launches one study on the dialect of Oderzo, citizens called to participate. Yesterday morning a questionnaire appeared on the Municipality website to help understand how the language has evolved over time.

The test was devised by a team led by Professor of Romance languages ​​at the University of Zurich, Francesco Gardaniand is open to all citizens, even to those who do not speak the vernacular of Opitergine, but understand it.

Francesco Gardani

«We are conducting a study on the dialect used in Oderzo: is it still spoken? From who? How has it changed over time? », This is the statement of the group of researchers present on the site.

In the plain of the Left Piave, in particular along the Conegliano-Oderzo-San Donà route and near the Venetian coast between Piave and Livenza, there conservative dialect known as “Rustic Liventino”.

Although it is a Treviso dialect, some features of the “Liventino” are not shared by the vernacular present in the Destra Piave, it is closer to Belluno or to the Friulian-Venetian border language.

“In questionnaire which lasts about 20 minutesyou are asked to listen to some phrases in Opitergino dialect and to evaluate their acceptability “, the group continues,” the user can assign a grade to each phrase using a scale of five values: impossible, it sounds bad, so-so, it sounds good it’s great”.

The person is therefore called to listen to some expressions with some different words, no sentence is right or wrong, the questionnaire must be completed respecting the dialect variant known by the people. “You have to evaluate on the basis of your perception, for example you can ask yourself: would I use this phrase when speaking in dialect?” Explained the group.

The first part of the questionnaire is dedicated to linguistic and dialectal profile of the personyear of birth, qualification, ability to speak in dialect and on what occasion they use the language, and then get to the part in which the user is asked to listen to some phrases such as: “It seems like it can.” If he does that. ”“ It’s not snowing. ”

“It’s a study that was carried out by a group from the University of Zurich, one of which is a member young man originally from Oderzo. We were asked for the possibility of collecting memories and testimonies from citizens and not only through the questionnaire on our site, “explained Mayor Maria Scardellato. The online questionnaire is available from 11 March, the results obtained will then be transmitted to the Municipality and made available for all citizens.

The study will allow to understand how Oderzo’s language has evolved and changed over the years. —

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