Home » Aosta, budget cut by a third for the 2020 electoral campaign

Aosta, budget cut by a third for the 2020 electoral campaign

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Rinascimento VdA is the list that spent the most for electoral propaganda, Power to the People the one that spent the least (177 euros)

AOSTA. The health emergency that broke out last year also had serious consequences on last September’s elections. In addition to the difficulties in finding candidates, parties and movements in the Aosta Valley have had to deal with the general economic situation and the limitations against the spread of Covid-19. As a result, political forces have seen a drastic reduction in funding for the 2020 election campaign.

As for the Municipality of Aosta, last year political parties and movements were able to count on a budget reduced by one third compared to five years earlier. The ten lists admitted to the elections have in fact documented loans for € 58,272, largely (70.5%) of their own funds, compared to € 87,305 five years earlier. The sums were mainly used for the production, dissemination of materials for electoral propaganda and only in a small part (just over 3 thousand euros in all) for rallies and demonstrations that in 2020 were limited by the restrictions against Covid-19.

The regularity of the sources of funding and the reports of the lists running for the Municipality of Aosta were analyzed by the Audit Committee on the electoral expenses of the Valle d’Aosta section of the Court of Auditors. There are generally no violations.

The lists with the highest budget are those that went to the ballot round. Renaissance VdA he spent 18,577 euros and the Progressive Civic Project 11,439 euros, about 3,700 of which from the PD, another 3,700 from the Civic Network and one thousand euros from the Democratic Area.

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The coalition Nuti-Borre which then won the elections is the only one to have reported its expenses (10,855 euros).

The list Giorgia Meloni Brothers of Italy it has documented expenses for 7,243 euros and is the only one to have received a hearing from the Court of Auditors for having presented a report that is not “fully regular” due to some unclear inconsistencies (without incurring any legal sanctions).

The list Lega Togni Mayor invested 6,427 euros in the electoral competition, just under Alliance Valdôtaine who spent 6,716 euros. The latter is the list that, as regards the sources of funding, has been able to count on the greatest economic contribution from candidates and associates: 4,070 euros in all, with UVP and Alpe contributing 1,300 and 1,000 euros respectively.

L’Union Valdôtaine he spent 5,894 euros e Forza Italia – Berlusconi for Aosta 3.959,93 euro.

Finally, the three most parsimonious lists: Autonomy and Freedom Mayor Togni documented expenses of € 1,244 (all borne by the Lega VdA for Salvini Premier), the Pci for 523 euros e Power to the People for 177.75 euros.

Elena Giovinazzo

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