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Friuli is a beacon in telemedicine, online visits and electronic files

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Friuli is a beacon in telemedicine, online visits and electronic files

The future of medicine in Reana.

The relationship between doctor and patient will be more and more “hybrid” but, precisely for this reason, he is closer to the patient, especially if he resides in mountain areas. Alongside the traditional and necessary visits “Face to face”, with digital technologies it will be possible to monitor the progress, analyzes and avoiding travel for the sick and long waiting times. Of these innovations in the field of health, not yet implemented nationally, was discussed in the days I met in Reana del Rojale in a meeting organized by Italian Telemedicine Society and chaired by Paolo Venturini, doctor, regional delegate in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The high areas can therefore become the territory for new services, even virtual ones, especially in this post-pandemic phase. Paolo Fioretti, former head of cardiology at the Udine hospital, is convinced of improved health care in the interest of mountain residents and for patients with mobility difficulties. “The system to be built is mixed: after the classic first visit, you can proceed with digital tools, avoiding interruptions to treatments, delays, unnecessary travel“Says Fioretti.

But how are you doing in Italy? “There are regions, such as Emilia Romagna and Puglia that have good telemedicine projects – according to Fioretti – but now it is time for a national Electronic Health Record, to ensure that the various regional systems communicate with each other”. From the comparison between approx 40 doctors, communication and information technology professionals the slowness of national institutions emerged in responding to these requests for innovation, but the Italian Telemedicine Society trusts in a more active dialogue also with local authorities for an efficient use of PNRR funds.

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“Telemedicine is technology for the mountains – according to Roberto Siagri, physicist and president the Carnia Industrial Park -. The pandemic has highlighted the strategic role of medicine 4.0; the telepresence it reduces the discomfort of not living in metropolitan centers “. Moreover, tools – such as broadband – already exist and are widespread. Without forgetting, finally, to address the issue of ‘personal data processing’, that is open data. According to Siagri “they must be freely accessible for those who are competent and without regional limits, in order to arrive at one electronic medical record that, like the identity card, each of us will always carry with them “.

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