Home » Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Resolutely smash any “Taiwan independence” separatist attempts and promote reunification | Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council | Taiwan Independence | Government Work Report

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Resolutely smash any “Taiwan independence” separatist attempts and promote reunification | Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council | Taiwan Independence | Government Work Report

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Original title: Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Resolutely smash any “Taiwan independence” separatist attempts to solidly advance the process of national reunification

Overseas Network, March 16th, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Zhu Fenglian, answered reporters’ questions on hot topics related to Taiwan on the 16th.

Q: Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council emphasized in the “Government Work Report” that “compatriots on both sides of the strait should work together to create the glorious cause of national rejuvenation”. A number of representatives of the Taiwan Provincial Delegation of the National People’s Congress also said that the Taiwan-related content in the “Government Work Report” reflects the mainland’s consistent policy toward Taiwan and shows its hope and confidence in national reunification. How would the spokesperson comment on this?

A: This year is an important year for entering a new journey towards building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and towards the second centenary goal. The Taiwan-related content of the “Government Work Report” focuses on expounding the current major policies, principles, positions, goals and tasks for Taiwan’s work, which is of great guiding significance for this year’s work on Taiwan.

At present, the overall situation in Taiwan is becoming more and more tense. The root cause is that the DPP authorities and the “Taiwan independence” forces collude with external forces to continuously seek “independence” provocations. However, the historical process of national strength, national rejuvenation, and cross-strait reunification is unstoppable, and the general trend is clearer. We will thoroughly implement the Party’s overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era and the Party Central Committee’s decision-making and deployment on Taiwan, firmly uphold the one-China principle and the political foundation of the “1992 Consensus”, continue to promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, and have the courage to explore new paths for cross-strait integration and development , and constantly improve the policy of sharing development opportunities and implementing equal treatment for Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises, promoting exchanges, cooperation and spiritual harmony between compatriots on both sides of the strait, and bringing together the strong positive energy of the reunification of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the nation. Establish a bottom-line thinking, carry forward the fighting spirit, resolutely overcome the risks and challenges on the way forward, resolutely smash any “Taiwan independence” separatist attempts, resolutely oppose the interference of all external forces, and solidly advance the process of national reunification.

See also  Xi Jinping reiterated that "we will not give up military reunification of Taiwan", and the blue-green counterattack (Photo) One country, two systems | 20th National Congress | Su Zhenchang |

It is hoped that the majority of Taiwan compatriots will see clearly the times and the situation, the advantages and disadvantages, the true and the false, firmly stand on the right side of history, join hands with the mainland compatriots, unite and move forward, jointly create the glorious cause of the reunification of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the nation, and share as China Human dignity and glory.

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