Home » Jiangxi Provincial Health Committee Health Important News King Level: Do not relax and do a good job of normalizing the epidemic prevention and control to ensure that the vaccination task is completed on schedule

Jiangxi Provincial Health Committee Health Important News King Level: Do not relax and do a good job of normalizing the epidemic prevention and control to ensure that the vaccination task is completed on schedule

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Jiangxi Provincial <a data-ail="35444" target="_blank" href="https://www.breakinglatest.news/category/health/" >Health</a> Committee <a data-ail="35444" target="_blank" href="https://www.breakinglatest.news/category/health/" >Health</a> Important News King Level: Do not relax and do a good job of normalizing the epidemic prevention and control to ensure that the vaccination task is completed on schedule

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Wang Shuiping: Do not relax and do a good job of normalizing the epidemic prevention and control to ensure that the vaccination task is completed on schedule

Release Date: 2021- 06- 03 12: 10

Information Sources:
Committee office

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On June 2, Wang Shuipi, secretary and director of the Provincial Health Committee, investigated the epidemic prevention and control, vaccination and summer infectious disease prevention and control work in Yingtan City, and visited the members of the provincial vaccination station working group. He emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, further implement detailed and normalized epidemic prevention and control measures, effectively control the prevention and control of key infectious diseases in summer, and coordinate the vaccination work to ensure that various work measures are implemented. . Accompanied by Cai Jiang, deputy mayor of Yingtan City.

Wang Shuipi and his entourage came to the temporary vaccination site of Jiangxi Normal College and the vaccination site of the southern district of the Municipal People’s Hospital to carefully inspect the new crown vaccination pre-inspection triage area, candidate consultation area, registration area, vaccination room, observation area, and medical care Disposal room, etc., follow the vaccination process to understand each link, especially the vaccination procedure, vaccination capacity, emergency response, etc. He pointed out that carrying out the new crown virus vaccination work is an effective measure to consolidate the results of normalized epidemic prevention and control, establish an immune barrier, and protect the lives and health of the people. It is necessary to continuously summarize and explore vaccination experience, resolutely implement the requirements of “scientific, standardized, safe, and orderly”, further optimize service measures, do a good job in emergency treatment and other guarantees, think about the details more thoroughly, make the work more specific, and ensure High-quality vaccination work is advanced.

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The college entrance examination is coming soon. Wang Shuiping and his entourage came to the college entrance examination of Yingtan No. 1 Middle School, walked into the epidemic prevention and control material room, infirmary and other places, inspected the epidemic prevention material reserves on the spot, and learned in detail about the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures, emergency treatment, and summer infectious disease prevention and control. He pointed out that the prevention and control of the epidemic in the college entrance examination is related to the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control and the overall situation of social stability. It is necessary to effectively enhance the sense of responsibility, mission, and urgency in epidemic prevention and control, scientifically and accurately implement normal epidemic prevention and control measures, and strive to create a good and safe environment. Test environment. While focusing on the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the prevention and control of infectious diseases in summer should be the key prevention and control task, strengthen monitoring, publicize and popularize disease prevention knowledge, improve early detection and rapid treatment capabilities, and effectively safeguard the health and lives of the people. Safety.

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