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Greater risks of hospitalization and still high mortality for Covid 19 positives who have this previous pathology

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Greater risks of hospitalization and still high mortality for Covid 19 positives who have this previous pathology

Perhaps it is still early to say that it is over, but it seems that the pandemic due to Covid 19 has significantly reduced the intensity of its wave. Statistics show fewer hospitalizations and especially fewer deaths. Still, the virus continues to be quite dangerous for some categories of people, who are more at risk than others.

A large study published in Lancet Psichiatry would have recently shown the worrying correlation between Covid 19 and psychiatric illness. According to the research, Covid 19 positive patients, who have previous psychiatric problems, would also have a double risk of hospitalization and death. Let’s enter into the merits of the study through the words of the experts.

Greater risks of hospitalization and still high mortality for Covid 19 positives who have this previous pathology

A huge meta-analysis, which compared over 33 studies done in 22 different countries, would have revealed a direct relationship between Covid 19 and psychiatric disorders. Above all, patients suffering from psychotic and mood disorders would have a particularly high hospitalization and mortality rate due to the virus. Such effects would not seem contained even in those who follow regular treatment based on anxiolytic and antipsychotic drugs. At the same time, people with substance-overuse disorders also seem to be at greater risk if they contract the virus.

Experts comment on the study recommending priority vaccination for these categories of people. For a long time, experts always say, there was a lack of scientific documentation that warned about the fragility of psychiatric patients. This is why the aforementioned study is of great medical significance. The question to which experts have not yet found a single answer is: what is the cause of this correlation?

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Could the drugs be to blame?

The reported study speaks of greater risks of hospitalization and still high mortality when Covid 19 strikes a psychiatric patient. However, it does not clarify the reason for this relationship. Researchers are stuck with the hypotheses.

A theory that is gaining ground is that the “fault” lies with drug therapy. Some scholars speculate that antipsychotics may interfere with drugs used to treat Covid 19. Also according to this school of thought, antipsychotic drugs could also increase thromboembolic and cardiovascular risks. Other experts point the finger at anxiolytics, the use of which could increase breathing problems caused by the virus.

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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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