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Draghi at a press conference on the reopening decree

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Draghi at a press conference on the reopening decree

“With today’s Council of Ministers we are taking fundamental steps for the reopening of Italy. A gradual overcoming of the emergency” with an eye to the pandemic, “to adapt better, even in a more expansive sense”. The Prime Minister Mario Draghi at a press conference after the afternoon’s CDM he greets the state of emergency (“it will end on March 31”) and illustrates the meaning of the measures included in the unanimously approved decree.

“Reopening the economy” and “limiting the distance learning experience. This is now a state we have reached”, recalls Draghi. Now is the time for the green light to “important measures that remove almost all the restrictions that have limited our behavior”. Starting with the Green Certificate, the Green Pass, which the premier claims as “a great success because it allowed us to start over. Last year the Italian economy grew to 6.5 thanks to the Certificate”.

Green light to the decree that reopens Italy. “From May 1st the Green Pass will disappear”. From now on, no certificate to go on bus and metro. Hope: “No fourth dose for everyone today”

by Michele Bocci

We now look to the future and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranzain addition to the end of the color system that has endured for nearly two years, he announced that “at this moment there is no scientific evidence to tell us that the fourth dose of the vaccine is needed for everyone. But we started with the fragile and in these hours we are evaluating the hypothesis of a fourth dose for more advanced generational groups: it will require further study but it is something we are preparing for “.

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Meanwhile, the green light for the decree has come unanimously. And the president, in a press conference, also turned off the Lega case on the CDM. Il Carroccio had focused on eliminating the Green Pass even indoors. A gamble. The Council was suspended after an hour of discussion, but left after 15 minutes. “He went well, he was calm,” says Draghi. The only friction with the Minister of Tourism, Massimo Garavaglia. “I officially asked the Ministry of Health for 500 million for the damage caused in April” to tourism, with “the two bridges ruined, that of Easter and that of April 25,” said the League minister, who then asked for compensation from the his own government. “I am intrigued by how Garavaglia has quantified the 500 million in damages”, replied the premier.

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Then he returned to the measures: “At the end of March we will dissolve the Technical Scientific Committee, whose work is not finished, it will continue with the Higher Institute of Health and the Higher Council of Health“, he explains. “Also on behalf of the government, I thank Professor Franco Locatelli and professor Silvio Brusaferro and all the present and past members of the CTS “.” If one examines the situation of these years – continued Draghi -, the CTS has given extraordinary support to very difficult decisions taken by this and the previous government. He gave psychological support to say that decisions were made with the support of science, not based on feeling. This is essential for decision makers. “

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The president then also thanked “all Italians for their altruism, the patience shown in recent years: we are often perceived with little civic sense and instead it is not true because we have been very good in this pandemic”. Especially on the vaccination front: “A very important fact, to be proud of: thanks to vaccines, almost 80,000 more deaths were avoided in Italy in 2021 alone”.

Draghi then wanted to say thanks also to “Speranza, who lived this experience from the beginning to the end and that it was an extraordinary test also from a psychological point of view. I would like to express my gratitude to him and that of all Italians”. To the “previous government that had to make decisions in situations of extraordinary difficulty with images that will remain in our memory”. “To the general Francesco Figliuolowhose appointment marked a turning point, to the Civil Protection, doctors and nurses “. And also to the Regions, with whom” the relationship that had been one of the sources of greatest difficulties, for different orientations, was perfect “.

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