Home » Stroke, so many people are at risk and don’t know it: here’s how to prevent it – the Democrat

Stroke, so many people are at risk and don’t know it: here’s how to prevent it – the Democrat

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Stroke, so many people are at risk and don’t know it: here’s how to prevent it – the Democrat

Stroke threatens more and more people nowadays. Let’s see what this pathology entails and how it can be prevented

A disease which we often hear about. L’brain stroke it affects many people every year and sometimes even causes death. But is it possible to prevent it? Let’s see how. The closing or rupture of a brain vessel accompanied by the consequent lack of oxygen causes damage to cells. In this way the stroke is generated.

The stroke thus comes, like a bolt from the blue, without causing any kind of pain. Sometimes you can’t even realize it due to the absence of symptoms, but other times they come too. From the heachacheto one lack sudden of force and the loss of sensation in an arm or leg.

All symptoms that can appear and go away after a few minutes. Of the little ones alarm bellscalled transient ischemic attacks which are considered fundamental. In Italy, annually, 185 thousand people are victims of brain strokes. On the one hand there are people affected for the first time, on the other there are people who are victims of stroke after a previous first episode.

How stroke is prevented

brain stroke prevention

The 75% of the cases of people affected by stroke are elderly people, over the age of 65. Stroke is the number one cause of disability given that sometimes, if hit in a violent and aggressive way, it makes it impossible for the affected person to move. There are also those who get hit in mild form and again manages to get up on his own legs.

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While on the one hand stroke, and all the consequences it brings, cannot be cured, on the other it is possible to prevent the arrival of this horrible monster. Speaking of the strategies through which stroke can be prevented is the website humanitieswhere gods are reported advice on prevention.

It is well known that prevention is better than cure, which is why it is possible with small daily precautions counteract the arrival of stroke. First of all, when you are healthy, it is advisable to carry out periodic treatments by your general practitioner in order to always keep the personal vascular risk.

Then there are good habits thanks to which it is possible prevent the onset of stroke. First of all it is necessary not smoking and limit the consumption of alcoholic. Practice activities sporty and physics, keep your own in check weight bodilycorrect thePower supply and limit the use of sale in your diet.

It is about useful actions to preserve your general state of health. The other measures to prevent the onset of stroke are the control of the blood pressurecontrol of the glycemia and pay close attention to fibrillation atrial.

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