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How noise affects our health and how to deal with it

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How noise affects our health and how to deal with it

Silence is a more unique than rare condition and you realize it every time that noise bothers you, but what effects can it have on your health? Let’s find out together.

Girl in pain when she hears the noise (Pexels)

An environment silent it gives peace and serenity to our body, because it allows us to concentrate and live well. Yet it is not always easy to achieve silence, especially if we live in big cities or if we are part of a large family. But smart working may have helped us in this case.

With the advent of Covid-19 many people have in fact started working from home and for those who live alone this has proved to be a great benefit. In fact, even offices are among the noisiest environments ever, especially when there are many people and small spaces. Here, working from home has allowed many of us to find greater concentration and serenity.

Indeed, it is no coincidence that productivity has increased with agile work. Many studies reveal this. For those who have children and found themselves working at home with the children as a result, well… I would say that they were not so lucky.
But regardless of this and the habits we have changed as a result of the health emergency, let’s try to understand what they are effects that noise can affect our health.

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The effects of noise on our health

chaos negative health results
Woman trying to work while children make noise (Pexels)

We may not realize it but noise is a constant presence in our lives. Continuous exposure to sounds and noises takes the name of “noise pollution” and is a condition that affects us all, some more and some less. Surely those who live in big cities will pay less attention, being accustomed to the noise of traffic, the shouting of passers-by and the music that echoes in clubs and shops. For those who live in the countryside, the noise of the city is unbearable. Matters of habits, in fact.

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Wrong’pollution acoustic is not just about urban noise. In fact, it can also affect domestic and social life rather than meteorological phenomena. As well as the sources are different, even the acoustic impact is different. It can be continuous or discontinuous, constant or random. In all cases, however, noise certainly has negative effects on our health. Between consequences more serious there may in fact be a permanent hearing loss, especially for those exposed to noise from an early age. This happens because the very loud noise is able to destroy the cells responsible for hearing, which however will not be able to regenerate. To find out more about this problem you can read our article Hearing loss: the first signs of hearing loss and hearing loss.

Noise is also capable of increasing stress levels, especially when it prevents concentration and a good sleep. The negative effects of noise can also affect the health of children, who could suffer from both physical and mental problems, such as cognitive development and learning. That is why it is essential to regulate the noise in some environments, such as the home or school. But in addition to this device, how is it possible to deal with the noise?

How to deal with noise to limit negative health effects

high noise remedies
Ear plugs (Pixabay)

Since we have seen that our life is unfortunately full of noises, we certainly will not be able to protect ourselves completely from them, but there are remedies which can certainly help us to prevent hearing damage and reduce stress levels.

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For example, it can be useful regular all the devices we use on a daily basis, such as smartphones, TVs, etc. at an adequate volume. Especially if we listen to music frequently, it is very important that it is not too loud because otherwise it could cause early hearing problems. In addition to adjusting the volume of these devices, you can completely turn off those that are not used in the house but which still produce noise because they are turned on.

Another very useful thing is to wear the caps for ears or other protective devices if the noise is too loud. And if you are a light sleeper and don’t want to have problems, you can also use earplugs at night. This way you will be sure to sleep well and without any kind of disturbance. But remember that not only noise, but also light can damage the quality of sleep.

Finally, it can be useful to insulate the house by applying double glazing to the windows or any other tool that can absorb noise. This way your home will be sufficiently insulated from outside noise and you will be able to live in peace and health.

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