Home » Changchun City added 554 new local confirmed cases yesterday, and 403 new local asymptomatic infections

Changchun City added 554 new local confirmed cases yesterday, and 403 new local asymptomatic infections

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From 00:00 to 24:00 on March 25, 554 new local confirmed cases (including 7 asymptomatic infections were converted into confirmed cases) in Changchun City, including 87 cases in Jiutai District, 78 cases in Kuancheng District, 63 cases in Jingyue District, 54 cases in Erdao District, 48 cases in Changchun New District, 46 cases in Nanguan District, 45 cases in Auto Development District, 36 cases in Economic Development District, 36 cases in Lvyuan District, 24 cases in Chaoyang District, 14 cases in Nong’an County, 9 cases in Yushu City, and Shuangyang There were 8 cases in the district, 3 cases in Gongzhuling City, 2 cases in Lianhuashan District, and 1 case in Dehui City.

There were 403 new cases of local asymptomatic infections, including 75 in Kuancheng District, 71 in Jiutai District, 41 in Changchun New District, 39 in Yushu City, 30 in Chaoyang District, 27 in Lvyuan District, 24 in Nanguan District, and 24 in Jingyue District. There were 24 cases in the district, 22 in the Automobile Development Zone, 21 in the Economic Development Zone, 18 in Erdao District, 4 in Gongzhuling City, 4 in Shuangyang District, 2 in Dehui City, and 1 in Nong’an County.

As of 24:00 on March 25, Changchun City has reported a total of 12,244 local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 1,008 asymptomatic infections. At present, the above infected people have been transferred to designated medical institutions for isolation and treatment, and their close contacts and sub-close contacts have been traced and checked, and control measures have been implemented, and the living and workplaces of the above people have been terminally disinfected .

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At present, the epidemic situation in our city is severe. The general public should further improve their awareness of prevention, consciously abide by the relevant requirements of epidemic prevention and control, reduce the flow of people, and do not go to the market unless it is necessary. It is necessary to insist on wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, maintaining social distance, not eating together, not gathering, using public chopsticks, and dividing meals to reduce the risk of disease infection. If you have acute respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough, please report to your community (village) or local CDC in time. Vaccination against the new coronavirus is an effective measure to prevent new coronary pneumonia. The general public is requested to take the initiative to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

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