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Refusals and manure not collected, first fines in Canale d’Agordo

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Refusals and manure not collected, first fines in Canale d’Agordo

The administration has moved on to de facto ways. Luchetta: “The students are preparing signs”

CANALE D’AGORDO. The first fines arrive in Canale for crimes of abandonment of waste and failure to collect dog waste. The administration, which for months has been collaborating with the Plastic Free association to make students aware of good citizenship practices in terms of waste disposal, has taken the first steps to stop the uncivilized behavior of citizens.

“Unfortunately, we are witnessing a growing phenomenon”, explains the councilor for culture and education Marilisa Luchetta, “the abandonment of garbage in the most unexpected places of the Municipality: along the banks of the Liera and Biois torrents, at the edges of municipal roads, on the embankments, on the sidewalks, at the bus stop and, last sighting on Saturday, a hairdryer among the branches of a tree in the woods “.

As already reported in the past, Luchetta also complains how the baskets distributed in the town are punctually filled, up to bursting, with bags of waste brought from home, while other bags are left on the ground nearby. Not to mention cigarette butts, highly polluting and unpleasant to the eye, abandoned everywhere. «And yet», he says, «the door-to-door separate collection works very well, the eco-center is open and the taxes for waste disposal are regularly paid to Valpe».

Another painful chapter is that which concerns the excrement of dogs left on pavements and along walks. “Lately they have also been collected in small bags which, however, are then abandoned on the spot or thrown into the meadows”.

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The Colcergnan administration will increase the number of special baskets to remove alibis from dog owners. «Whoever does not find a basket nearby», Luchetta recommends, «can bring home the needs of his faithful friend. Stepping on one of these “souvenirs” can make that poor dog unpleasant who has no fault of the incivility of his master which is to the detriment of many people attentive to the decorum and cleanliness of the territory ».

In addition to this, the Municipality has also begun to use repressive tools. «We have been watching and monitoring the problem for some time», says Luchetta, «unfortunately, we have to start taking measures: we have already identified and summoned some offenders and raised the first fines which can be heavy. We are very sorry to have to arrive at this determination, but it seems that the phenomenon of rudeness is also increasing in the neighboring municipalities ».

Hope is entrusted to the future; “The boys of the Canale middle school in collaboration with Plastic Free and the Municipality”, concludes Luchetta, “are creating signs / stimuli to be installed in the most critical points: we hope that their good will and their commitment will be able to sensitize someone” .

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