Home » Salvini sees Berlusconi, focus on Ukraine and the federation

Salvini sees Berlusconi, focus on Ukraine and the federation

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Salvini sees Berlusconi, focus on Ukraine and the federation

Today Matteo Salvini was with Silvio Berlusconi in Arcore. This is what sources from Lega and Forza Italia say. In an atmosphere of great friendship and cordiality – it is reported -, the two leaders talked about the international situation: they agreed on the need to commit themselves to stop the conflict in Ukraine and to prevent that, in a moment of difficulty due to energy increases and raw materials, there are tax increases starting from those on the house. Salvini and Berlusconi discussed the next appointments in view of the administrative elections, he adds. According to what is learned from blue sources, the two would not have addressed the issue of the center-right federation. The two leaders of Lega and Forza Italia had last seen each other on 19 March, on the occasion of the party that was held at Villa Gernetto to celebrate the union between the Knight and his girlfriend Marta Fascina. In a video released by Vittorio Sgarbi, Berlusconi had publicly praised Salvini calling him “the only true and sincere leader” as they posed together in the usual photo with Fascina in front of the cake. Scene that had made Giorgia Meloni wrinkle her nose, not invited to the ‘quasi-wedding’, in the following days. Then, the leap forward of the Northern League secretary, who had announced the presentation of a center-right ‘federative’ list, ‘First Italy’, to the administrations in Sicily, had irritated the local and national leaders of FI and ‘cooled’ the reports, before today’s meeting. Salvini was on vacation for a few days and he should return to Rome between tonight and tomorrow morning.

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