Home » A new high-performance hybrid tomograph for nuclear medicine in Asst Lariana

A new high-performance hybrid tomograph for nuclear medicine in Asst Lariana

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A new high-performance hybrid tomograph for nuclear medicine in Asst Lariana

The new one came into operation these days high performance hybrid tomograph purchased from Asst Lariana for the activities of the Nuclear Medicine thanks to regional funding from 830 thousand euros. The machine – the premium NM / CT870DR system from GE – makes it possible to perform high quality scintigraphic and Spet / Tac examinations (hence his qualification as a hybrid tomograph).

«The equipment – explains the doctor Roberto Posterliacting director of Nuclear Medicine of Asst Lariana – is equipped with a Tac a 16 strati which allows an adequate quality of morphological imaging e scintigraphic detectors high sensitivity that allow you to perform precision scintigraphic diagnostics. We can also perform quantitative studies of neoplastic lesions and consequently carry out a dosimetry for radioactive therapies (radiometabolic, interventional radiological, radiotherapy) and monitor the patients’ oncological follow-up “.

Nuclear medicine deals with diagnostic e to deal pathologies through the radiations that are emitted by nuclei of some atoms. Both in the diagnosis and in the treatment phase, the nuclear doctor always uses radiolabeled substances, ie containing radioactive atoms. Once introduced into the body these substances can be visualized through the emitted radiation, allowing to study the structure or functionality of organs and / or tissues. In the case of treatments with radiometabolic therapies, however, the radioactive substances tend to concentrate in the tissues affected by the disease (e.g. tumors and hyperthyroidism) and are thus used for destroy diseased cells as selectively as possible.

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the pathologies treated by the nuclear doctor are many and different from each other: from those of character oncological (treatment plans and follow up) to those cardiovascular (recognition and control of ischemic heart disease), from endocrinological ones (especially in the thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal areas) to those neurological (for the classification of the main degenerative diseases such as, for example, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease), from those nephro-urological (to define the function of each kidney in the case of nephropathies, to evaluate vesico-renal reflux especially in pediatric age) to those pneumological (for pulmonary thromboembolic disease) to those orthopedic (for example in the case of suspected mobilization of joint prostheses) and gastrointestinal, from inflammatory to infectious diseases.

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