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I feared the judgment of my patients

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I feared the judgment of my patients

The former suitor of Men and Women Marta Pasqualato is today a general practitioner, works in Martellago nel Veneziano and for the love of her work and patients she said ‘no’ to Big Brother.

Viewers of Men and women they will remember Marta Pasqualatothe suitor who in the dating show fought a Virginia Stablum the tronista Nicolò Brigante in 2018. The TV face today is an influencer, blogger and even one female doctor. In the program he immediately made it clear that despite his television experience there was medicine in his future: today he treats 1380 patients in Martellago nel Veneziano. For the love of work she also has Big Brother refused: “That world gives me crazy anxiety.”

The dream of becoming a doctor

Marta Pasqualato after Men and Women began a career in the world of medicine after completing her studies. She today she works as family doctor per 1380 patients in Martellago nel Veneziano: “The place where I am will remain vacant. I hope I can stay to give continuity to the patients I follow, it seems right for them” he explained in an interview with Corriere. He lost his father when he was 23 and did not give up his medical studies for him too, he said:

I have always wanted to do medicine since I was little. I’ve never wanted to do anything else. I lost my dad when I was 23, 2 years before making Men and Women, he would never have allowed me. I was at home with him, he suddenly fell ill. For me it was a trauma, for many years I have not been able to talk about it, I have recently started again. And when I did I realized that in the last few years I carried this on for him. I haven’t even thought about changing jobs.

In addition to her work as a doctor, she is also very active on social media and is followed by an agency. However, she has no plans to join other television broadcasts: “They had asked me to participate in other programs, I even auditioned for the Big Brother then when they called me I refused because I wanted to be a doctor“. She explained that that world makes her anxious: exposing herself a lot”people insult you without you making any mistakes“He prefers to wake up every morning at 6 rather than 11 to update his social profiles.

Now that I wake up at 6 every morning to go to the studio, I’m much happier than when I got up at 11 to write on social media. Everyone’s career dream seems to be popularity on social media. I certainly do not disown them, thanks to them I paid for several years of university. I don’t come from a wealthy family. They didn’t make me miss anything but we weren’t sailing in gold. I remember well when I was little and there were bills to pay.

Popularity and patients

She thought she was being misjudged by her patients for her participation in Men and Women and instead she was wrong. Marta Pasqualato said that many recognized her but no one changed their mind about her, as she feared.

From the patients I thought I would be misjudged. Programs like the one I’ve done seem to only accommodate people who are looking fame without effort, superficial people so to speak. I thought that taking the stereotype out of my patients’ thinking was not going to be easy. But it went better than expected. More than one person told me “I saw you on television”others were super discreet but whoever told me about it did it in a positive way.

Now it hopes to be replaced permanently and take the place where it is now. Al Corriere Marta Pasqualato then revealed that she too had started a Master in Aesthetic Medicine: “Together with other doctors we will actively intervene on social networks, we will do something interactive, a combination of medicine and social media”.

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