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The incredible benefits of the fruit of the moment

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The incredible benefits of the fruit of the moment

It is a delicious food used nowadays in the kitchen for many preparations, sweet and savory. It is healthy and has multiple healing properties. Doctors recommend introducing it into your diet regularly to help your body stay healthy.

It is a food rich in fats, but the healthy ones that our body need to fight many ailments, first of all those vascular exchange. The intake of this food helps to reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood and to increase those of HDL, or good cholesterol.

Foods that contribute to our health (web source)

The introduction of this rich source of fatty acids, vitamins, fibers and mineral salts, helps us in prevent more serious diseases such as strokes and heart attacks. Among the many benefits it has been found to have a powerful anti-inflammatory action which is essential for preventing joint problems, such as arthritis.

A delicacy with powerful beneficial principles

This fruit has a high content of carotenoids and antioxidant factors which work together with vitamin A for protect the health of our eyes. This is why many doctors recommend taking this food in salads, sandwiches, centrifuges and even as a base for delicious desserts.

Unlike common drugs and supplements, this food is recommended for pregnant women. A glass of his extract contains most of the daily amount of folic acid recommended for pregnant women. The presence of folate, in fact, highly reduces the risk of problems at the birth of the baby.

It is a powerful ally against constipation as it brings to our body a sufficient daily requirement of fiberessential for the health of our digestive system.

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Furthermore, in this food there is a high presence of essential vitamins and minerals to stimulate our immune system and protect us from common seasonal ailments such as coughs and colds.

Consequently, other positive aspects derive from the increased immune response, including the improvement of neuro-cerebral functions and prevention of the first symptoms of cognitive pathologies, such as senile dementia.

Avocado essential food of our diets
Avocado essential food of our diets (web source)

The avocado from our tables is the food that protects us

And for these and for many other reasons that doctors recommend eating one avocado a day, to introduce all the beneficial components it contains into our body, against a moderate amount of energy. One of these fruits, in general, provides about 200 kcal, which in a balanced diet represent a small percentage of the daily energy requirement.

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Finally, avocado is an ally of our line, in fact it contains good quantities of oleic acid that it serves regulate the sense of satiety and therefore to reduce hunger pangs. In fact, it has been shown that the consumption of healthy fats is essential to be able to follow a low-calorie diet and that is why it has now become a constant in our diets.

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