Home » Coffee, its bad reputation debunked! With 4-5 intakes, many diseases can be fought

Coffee, its bad reputation debunked! With 4-5 intakes, many diseases can be fought

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Coffee, its bad reputation debunked!  With 4-5 intakes, many diseases can be fought

Very often we feel guilty for drinking too many cups of coffee. But today, it turns out that the favorite drink of Italians is a panacea for our health. The benefits of the drink most loved by Italians

Coffee relentlessly marks the rhythm of our days. It helps us in the morning to start the day better, accompanies our small breaks and invariably concludes each of our meals.

Coffee as a natural remedy (web photo)

It has been estimated that each person consumes an average of two to three coffees per day. Too often we hear about the risks associated with this drink, but all the recent studies show that the benefits of consuming coffee outweigh the possible harm.

The secret of this dark nectar resides in its main content, caffeine. Scientists from all over the world have studied the health implications that this substance has on our body. It is very rich in antioxidants and therefore able to act on the central nervous system favoring its correct functioning.

The main function of caffeine in reduce fatigue and increase concentration and reaction times. It has been shown that those who consume a fair amount of this drink obtain better intellectual and physical performance.

It is no coincidence, therefore, that coffee is almost an addiction for employed workers, assembly line workers and airplane pilots who for many hours have to perform actions that become repetitive over time.

Coffee necessary for heart health

But the positive characteristics of coffee are also that of having one pain relieving function and a central role in the preserve cardiovascular health. If in fact, in the short term, the substance slightly increases blood pressure, following a regular intake the body develops a response that protects the consumer from the risk of hypertension.

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Comforting results have also emerged, for now since studies conducted exclusively on animals, about the possible function that caffeine may have in protect against the onset of the first symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Coffee as an ally of our health
Coffee as an ally of our health (web source)

The use of caffeine against chronic diseases and cancers

The important discovery made by British scientists proved that a moderate coffee consumption contrasts the development of multiple chronic diseases. The most comforting data are those relating to type 2 diabetes which would be effectively counteracted thanks to the consumption of caffeine-based products, obviously unsweetened.

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The International Agency for Research on Cancerfinally, he denied that the consumption of coffee may be linked to a greater risk of getting cancer. On the contrary, some evidence has shown that those who take caffeine can be better protected than the possibility of developing some cancers of the skin, breast and prostate.

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